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  • 作者:顧佩華//薛德意//彭慶金//張健|責編:程青
  • 出版社:華中科技大學
  • ISBN:9787577208206
  • 出版日期:2024/06/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:289
人民幣:RMB 168 元      售價:



1  Introduction
  1.1  Product Life Cycle and Engineering Design
    1.1.1  Product Life Cycle
    1.1.2  Engineering Design
    1.1.3  Design Methodologies and Tools
    1.1.4  Requirements for Adaptable Design
  1.2  Principles of Adaptable Design
    1.2.1  Adaptable Design
    1.2.2  Extension of Utility in Adaptable Design
    1.2.3  Key Issues in Adaptable Design
  1.3  Benefits of Adaptable Design
    1.3.1  Users:Extended Product Utility
    1.3.2  Producers:Extended Design Utility
    1.3.3  User and Producer Benefits of Large Systems
    1.3.4  Environmental Benefits
  1.4  Applicability of Adaptable Design
  1.5  Differences Between Adaptable Design and Other Design Methods
  1.6  Organization of This Book
  1.7  Summary
2  Modeling for Adaptable Design
  2.1  Rationalized Functional Structures for Adaptable Design
    2.1.1  Function Modeling for Adaptable Design
    2.1.2  Structure Modeling for Adaptable Design
    2.1.3  Relations Between Functional and Structural Components
  2.2  Product Architecture for Adaptable Design
    2.2.1  Modular Products
    2.2.2  Product Platforms and Families
    2.2.3  Open Architecture Products
  2.3  Adaptable Interface
  2.4  Assembly and Disassembly for Adaptation Operations
    2.4.1  Modeling of Assembly Operations
    2.4.2  Modeling of Disassembly Operations
  2.5  Summary
3  Evaluation for Adaptable Design
  3.1  Evaluation of Engineering Design
  3.2  Measures of Adaptabilities
    3.2.1  Specific Product Adaptability
    3.2.2  Specific Design Adaptability
    3.2.3  General Product Adaptability
    3.2.4  General Design Adaptability
  3.3  Adaptabilities in Design Evaluation
  3.4  Evaluation of Adaptabilities Based on Information Entropy
    3.4.1  Functions,Structures,and Parameters of Adaptable Products
    3.4.2  Information Entropies for Evaluation of Adaptabilities
  3.5  Summary
4  Processes and Methods for Adaptable Design
  4.1  Processes for Adaptable Design

    4.1.1  Processes for Adaptable Design Considering Product Adaptability
    4.1.2  Processes for Adaptable Design Considering Design
  4.2  Elements in Adaptable Design Processes
    4.2.1  Design Requirements
    4.2.2  Design Candidates
    4.2.3  Design Evaluation
    4.2.4  Design Optimization
  4.3  Robust Adaptable Design
    4.3.1  Robust Adaptable Design Considering Changes of Requirements and Parameters
    4.3.2  Robust Adaptable Design Considering Changes of Product Configurations
    4.3.3  Robust Adaptable Design of Open Architecture Products
  4.4  Adaptable Design Considering Adaptation Operations
    4.4.1  Assembly Operation Sequences for Adaptable Design
    4.4.2  Disassembly Operation Sequences for Adaptable Design
  4.5  Adaptable Design Considering Mass Personalization
    4.5.1  Module Planning for OAPs
    4.5.2  Detail Design of OAPs
    4.5.3  Product Personalization
  4.6  Summary
5  Tool and Techniques for Adaptable Design
  5.1  Modular Design Tools
    5.1.1  Modularization for Adaptable Design Using Matrix Approach
    5.1.2  Pattern Clustering Approach
  5.2  Optimization Tools
    5.2.1  Constrained Optimization
    5.2.2  Multi-objective Optimization
    5.2.3  Multi-level Optimization
    5.2.4  Global Optimization
  5.3  Web-Based Tools for Adaptable Design
    5.3.1  Introduction
    5.3.2  Development of Web-Based Tools for Adaptable Design
    5.3.3  Applications of Web-Based Tools in Adaptable Design
  5.4  Virtual Reality for Adaptable Product Design and Evaluation
    5.4.1  Introduction
    5.4.2  A VR-Based User Interactive System
    5.4.3  Case Study—A VR System for Food Truck Design
    5.4.4  Case Study—A VR System for Caravans Design
    5.4.5  Comments and Analysis
  5.5  Summary
6  Applications of Adaptable Design
  6.1  Adaptable Design of CNC Machine Tools Structure
    6.1.1  Redesign Process of a Machine Structure
    6.1.2  Evaluation Criteria for the Redesign Process
    6.1.3  Improvement of the Entire Machine
    6.1.4  Development of a New Generation of YH605 Gear Cutting Machine
    6.1.5  Analysis and Discussion of Redesign Results
  6.2  Design of an Adaptable Product Platform for Heavy-Duty Gantry Milling Machines

    6.2.1  Design of the Adaptable Product Platform(APP)
    6.2.2  Implementation of a Heavy-Duty Gantry Milling Machine with APP
  6.3  Adaptable Design for Mass Personalization
    6.3.1  Introduction
    6.3.2  General Background
    6.3.3  Methods of Design for Mass Personalization
    6.3.4  Case Study
    6.3.5  Personalization Analysis
    6.3.6  Concluding Remarks
  6.4  Adaptable Design of Coating Machines
  6.5  Design of an Open Architecture Paper-Bag Folding Machine
    6.5.1  An Initial Design of the Open Interface
    6.5.2  Modified/Improved Design of Open Interface of the Paper-Bag Folding Machine
  6.6  Design of an Adaptable Equipment for Testing of Generators
    6.6.1  The Design Problem
    6.6.2  The Optimal Adaptable Design
    6.6.3  Comparative Studies
  6.7  Adaptable Design of a Rotation Table
    6.7.1  Assembly Modelling
    6.7.2  Evaluation of Modules Assembled in a Single Subassembly
    6.7.3  Assembly Sequence Planning for Parts Inside Module of the Rotational Table
    6.7.4  Assembly Sequence Planning for Modules
  6.8  Summary
7  Concluding Remarks and Development Trends
  7.1  Concluding Remarks
  7.2  Development Trends
  7.3  Summary

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