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  • 作者:編者:中國船舶科學研究中心|責編:劉盼盼//陳琳
  • 出版社:上海交大
  • ISBN:9787313304827
  • 出版日期:2024/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:1288
人民幣:RMB 498 元      售價:



Part 1  Ship Hydrodynamics
  A Viscosity-Equivalent Reduced Order Method for Ship Seakeeping Problems
  Wave Added Resistance for Mono- and Multi-Hull Vessels Computed by Control Surface Integral
  Comparative Study on Propulsion Performance of Flapping Foil and Propeller
  Wetdeck Slamming Load Characteristics and Motion Response of the SWATH Vessel in Regular Head Waves
  An Experimental Study on Configuration Hydrodynamics of Trimaran Ships
  Experimental and Numerical Investigations on a Damaged Passenger Ship Motion in Regular Beam Waves
  Interaction among Diesel Engine, Hull and Propeller of a Twin-Screw Ship Sailing Straight Forward
  Numerical Simulation of Ship Maneuverability in Irregular Waves Based on TEBEM Method
  Study on the Influence of Bow Flow Field on the Motion Process of Underwater Vehicle
  Research on Ship Speed Optimization in Ocean Routes Based on Changes in Marine Environment
  Hydrodynamics of the Balistiform Turning Maneuver
  Numerical Study on the Seakeeping of Ships at Moderate and High Froude Numbers
  Influence of Wave Added Resistance Estimation on the Minimum Propulsion Power Assessment of a VLCC in Adverse Conditions
  Numerical Investigation of Air Cushion Effect During Water-Entry Process of a Catamaran Section
  Numerical Study of the Flow Field Around an Amphibious Vehicle Model at High Speed
  Coupled Sloshing and Body Motions of a Floating Circular Dock with Damping Devices
  Feasibility of the Catenary Mooring System on a Novel Floating Column with Dry-Well and Storage Platform
  Fluid-Dynamic Analysis of Water-Air Integrated Thruster Based on Flow Control Method
  The Sensitivity Analysis of Hull Form Parameters to Pure Loss of Stability Criteria
  Further Study on the Mathematical Model for Direct Stability Assessments of Pure Loss of
  Stability in Stern Quartering Waves
  Combined Investigations on Flow Structure at Body-Appendage Junction for Underwater Vehicle
  Characterization of Wall Shear Stress on Surface Ship with MEMS Sensor Array
  Benchmark Test of Surface Pressure Measurements on the YUPENG Double Body Model in Wind Tunnel
  A Practical Calculation Method of Havelock form Translating-Pulsation Source Green's Function
  Prediction of the Added Resistance of Ships in Natural Seaways
  Numerical Study on the Hydrodynamics of a Propeller Behind a Submarine Navigating Near Free-Surface
  Numerical Study on the Hydrodynamic Performances of a Ship in Oblique Motion at Large Drift
  Angles Based on RANS Method and DES Method
  A Flow Control Method for Flow Separation of Two-Phase Flow in an Underwater Slender Vehicle
  An Approximate Model for Damaged Ship Roll Motion Response Prediction by Machine Learning
  Research on Convergence of Container Ship Grid Based on B-Spline Wet Surface Grid
  Effects of Parameter Estimation Method of Assessment of Sloshing Loads in LNG Carrier
  Development on Operational Guidance of Ship Stability in Real Sea States
  Comparison of Local Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method, Lumped Mass Method and
  Finite Difference Method for Mooring Line Dynamics
Part 2  Cavitation and Liquid Flows with Air Cavities
  Effects of Eddy Viscosity on Violent Interfacial and Cavitating Flows
  Intelligent Optimization of the Overall Layout for Natural Supercavitating Vehicle
  Water-Oil Mixing by a Cavitation Bubble
  Influence of Fluid-Structure Interaction on Ballistic Stability of Supercavitating Projectile Oblique<
Part 7  Industrial Fluid Dynamics
Part 8  Computational Fluid Dynamics
Part 9  Environmental Hydrodynamics
Part 10  Experimental Fluid Dynamics

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