幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:徐寧駿//黃在委|責編:殷曉彤
  • 出版社:浙江大學
  • ISBN:9787308250764
  • 出版日期:2024/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:380
人民幣:RMB 99 元      售價:



Part One  Foundations
  1  Rationale of TCM Interculturalization
    1.1  A Glimpse into TCM Interculturalization
    1.2  Rationale for Communicating TCM Across Cultures
    1.3  Brief Overview of TCM Interculturalization
  2  Ethical Considerations in TCM Interculturalization
    2.1  Ethical Principles of TCM Interculturalization
    2.2  Ethics in TCM Practice
    2.3  Bilingual Excerpts about TCM Ethics
Part Two  Theories
  3  Culture in General and Culture of TCM in Particular
    3.1  Culture: Definitions and Features
    3.2  Essence of TCM
    3.3  Yin-Yang Theory and TCM
  4  Human Communication: Concepts, Models and Features
    4.1  Defining Human Communication: Western Perspective
    4.2  Defining Human Communication: Chinese Perspective
    4.3  Features of TCM Interculturalization
  5  Culture Values and TCM Interculturalization
    5.1  Basics of Cultural Values
    5.2  Value Orientations and TCM Culture
    5.3  Cultural Dimensions and Its Influence on Healthcare
Part Three  Messages
  6  Language, TCM Culture, and Thought: Verbal Communication Across Cultures
    6.1  Essence of Language and Linguistics
    6.2  Understanding Perception of TCM Culture
    6.3  Thinking Patterns and TCM Culture
  7  Moving Between Languages: Cultural Translation
    7.1  Features of TCM Language
    7.2  Translating TCM Classics into English
    7.3  Cultural Default in TCM Translation
  8  Nonverbal Communication: Action, Space and Time
    8.1  Essentials of Nonverbal Communication
    8.2  Four TCM Diagnostic Methods
    8.3  Time and Space Across Cultures
Part Four  Health
  9  Perceptions of Health and Illness Across Cultures
    9.1  Worldview and the Healthcare Belief System
    9.2  Intercultural Barriers to Effective Health Communication
    9.3  Improving Multicultural Health Communication
  10  TCM Around the World: Past and Present
    10.1  TCM in Japan and the Republic of Korea
    10.2  TCM in the US and the UK
    10.3  TCM in Brazil, Russia, India, and South Africa
  11  National Policies and TCM Education
    11.1  National Policies and TCM Interculturalization
    11.2  International Students of TCM in China
Part Five  Action
  12  Clntercultural Challenges: Recognizing and Dealing with Differences
    12.1  Stereotype and TCM Interculturalization

    12.2  Ethnocentrism and TCM Interculturalization
    12.3  Culture Shock and TCM Interculturalization
  13  Striving for Effective and Appropriate TCM Interculturalization
    13.1  Gaining Intercultural Competence
    13.2  Evaluating Competence and Training for TCM Interculturalization
    13.3  Tools of Evaluating Intercultural Communication Competence
  14  Future of TCM Interculturalization: Challenges and Promises
    14.1  Globaiization and TCM Interculturalization
    14.2  Concluding Remarks

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