幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:魏德|責編:鄭梅俠|總主編:鄧仕倫
  • 出版社:復旦大學
  • ISBN:9787309162042
  • 出版日期:2022/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:151
人民幣:RMB 56 元      售價:



Unit 1 Cultivation of Children
  Part I Pre-reading Activities
    Section A Quotes Appreciation
    Section B Group Discussion
  Part Ⅱ Reading Activities
    Section A Banked Cloze
    Students Need Sleep Enough
    Section B Speed Reading
    How to Teach Kids Not to Be「Too」Honest(and Why You Should)
    Section C In-depth Reading
    Protecting Your Kids from Failure Isn't Helpful
    Should Parents Help Their Kids with Homework?
  Part III Extended Activities
    Section A Translation
    Section B Writing
Unit 2 Economic Development
  Part I Pre-reading Activities
    Section A Quotes Appreciation
    Section B Group Discussion
  Part Ⅱ Reading Activities
    Section A Banked Cloze
    Economic Growth Beating Expectations
    Section B Speed Reading
    Greater Bay Area Embraces New Round of Foreign Investment
    Section C In-depth Reading
    China's Central Government Conference of Economic Work
  Part III Extended Activities
    Section A Translation
    Section B Writing
Unit 3 Social Change
  Part I Pre-reading Activities
    Section A Quotes Appreciation
    Section B Group Discussion
  Part Ⅱ Reading Activities
    Section A Banked Cloze
    「Guochao」:China's Younger Generation Embracing Domestic BrandsSection B Speed Reading
    Advertising May Make People Miserable,But It Still Has Its Uses
    Section C In-depth Reading
    From Snow Mountains to Spotlight:How Can Tenzin Aid Local Tourism in SW China?
    Risks Growing as Global Life Expectancy Goes Up
  Part III Extended Activities
    Section A Translation
    Section B Writing
Unit 4 Life and Health
  Part I Pre-reading Activities
    Section A Quotes Appreciation
    Section B Group Discussion
  Part Ⅱ Reading Activities
    Section A Banked Cloze

    Medical-Aesthetics Industry
    Section B Speed Reading
    Calcium Supplement Should Be Cautious
    Section C In-depth Reading
    Fantastic Beasts
    Anxiety and Depression Are Harmful to Our Health
  Part III Extended Activities
    Section A Translation
    Section B Writing
Unit 5 Science and Technology
  Part I Pre-reading Activities
    Section A Quotes Appreciation
    Section B Group Discussion
  Part Ⅱ Reading Activities
    Section A Banked Cloze
    Virtual Reality Helping to Treat Fear of Heights
    Section B Speed Reading
    These Adorable Puppes May Help Explain Why Dogs Understand Our Body Language Section C in-depth Reading
    How AJ Could Help City Planners Drive Down Road Accidents
    Automated Trucks Are Coming Much Sooner Than You Think
  Part III Extended Activities
    Section A Translation
    Section B Writing
Unit 6 Travel
  Part I Pre-reading Activities
    Section A Quptes Appreciation
    Section B Group Discussion
  PartⅡ Reading Activities
    Section A Banked Cloze
    Flower Tourism Blossoms Across China
    Section B Speed Reading
    Imaging the Future of Air Travel
    Section C In-depth Reading
    How to Travel More Sustainably?
    All-for-One Tourism in China
  Part III Extended Activities
    Section A Translation
    Section B Writing
Unit 7 Development and Environment
  Part I Pre-reading Activities
    Section A Quotes Appreciation
    Section B Group Discussion
  Part Ⅱ Reading Activities
    Section A Banked Cloze
    Yangtze Cleaner Than Ever Thanks to Concerted Action
    Section B Speed Reading
    Yangtze Cleanup Changes Lives,Boosts Incomes
    Section C In-depth Reading
    An Environments Problem We Can Fix
    Technology & Pollution

  Part III Extended Activities
    Section A Translation
    Section B Writing
Unit 8 Culture
  Part I Pre-reading Activities
    Section A Quotes Appreciation
    Section B Group Discussion
  Part Ⅱ Reading Activities
    Section A Banked Cloze
    Ancient Charm of China:Wuzhen
    Section B Speed Reading
    The Myth of Stephen Hawking
    Section C In-depth Reading
    The Gripes of Broth
    Marvel's Phase Four Marks the Rise of Asian Stars in the MCU
  Part III Extended Activities
    Section A Translation
    Section B Writing

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