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  • 作者:編者:吉紅衛//林繼紅|責編:鄭梅俠
  • 出版社:復旦大學
  • ISBN:9787309170801
  • 出版日期:2024/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:182
人民幣:RMB 52 元      售價:

    《中國文化英語閱讀教程》是關於中國文化的英語閱讀教材。本教程共含8個單元,每單元均有Text A、Text B和Text C三篇課文,適合每周2課時或者每周4課時的教學安排。各單元三篇文章主題各有側重,難度不同和長度不等,並附有多種練習,因此每個單元可以作為一個整體使用,單元中每篇文章也可以自成一體,單獨使用。教師在使用時可以根據學生的實際英語水平、專業特點和興趣愛好,結合學期的周課時數,選擇合適的文章以確定教學內容。如每周2課時的課程,可以選取每個單元的Text A和Text C作為教學內容;如果每周4課時,則不僅可使用大部分的文章為教學內容,還可以將每個單元的開放式討論題作為教學內容的一部分,開展以學生為中心的各種活動。由於本書涉及內容較為廣泛,文章觀點不盡相同,在根據學生的特點和教師本人對中國文化的理解和興趣增減教學內容的同時,培養學生對不同的觀點進行分析、思考、判斷和評價的能力,一邊閱讀一邊思考,從而提升學生的思辨能力。


Unit 1 Overview:East Meets West
  Text A Chinese and Western Civilization Contrasted
    Part I Understanding the Text
    Part II Building Your Vocabulary
    Part III Cultural Note
  Text B Place of Philosophy in Chinese Civilization
    Part I Understanding the Text
    Part II Building Your Vocabulary
    Part III Cultural Note
  Text C Complex of the Forbidden City
  Chinese Cultural Treasures
Unit 2 History
  Text A China Turns Inward
    Part I Understanding the Text
    Part II Building Your Vocabulary
    Part III Cultural Note
  Text B Conceit and Military Weakness during the Song Dynasty
    Part I Understanding the Text
    Part II Building Your Vocabulary
    Part III Cultural Note
  Text C Eurasian Bridge into the Future
  Chinese Cultural Treasures
Unit 3 Arts
  Text A Guqin:Humble and Haughty
    Part I Understanding the Text
    Part II Building Your Vocabulary
    Part III Cultural Note
  Text B The Three Perfections:Painting,Poetry and Calligraphy —Classification of Chinese Traditional Paintings
    Part I Understanding the Text
    Part II Building Your Vocabulary
    Part III Cultural Note
  Text C Guan Pinghu the Guqin Master
  Chinese Cultural Treasures
Unit 4 Literature
  Text A Four Schools of Fiction in the Ching Dynasty and Their Later Development
    Part I Understanding the Text
    Part II Building Your Vocabulary
    Part III Cultural Notes
  Text B The Treatment of Gender Relations in Fiction
    Part I Understanding the Text
    Part II Building Your Vocabulary
  Text C Chinese Scholars in Tang Dynasty
  Chinese Cultural Treasures
Unit 5 Science and Technology
  Text A Influences of the Chinese Religious Systems on Medicine
    Part I Understanding the Text
    Part II Building Your Vocabulary
    Part III Cultural Note
  Text B The Westward Flow of Techniques
  Text C China Shocked the World with a Project That Even Western Countries Dared Not Take On

  Chinese Cultural Treasures
Unit 6 Education
  Text A The Second Great Reform of Chinese Writing
    Part I Understanding the Text
    Part II Building Your Vocabulary
    Part III Cultural Note
  Text B Education and the Examination System of the Song Dynasty
  Text C Anji Games Reshape Chinese Education System by Encouraging Creativity
  Chinese Cultural Treasures
Unit7 Recreation
  Text A On Going About and Seeing Things
    Part I Understanding the Text
    Part II Building Your Vocabulary
    Part III Cultural Note
  Text B Thinking Rocks,Living Stones:Reflections on Chinese Lithophilia
    Part I Understanding the Text
    Part II Building Your Vocabulary
    Part III Cultural Note
  Text C A Short History of Chinese Food in the U.S.
  Chinese Cultural Treasures
Unit 8 Cultural Heritages
  Text A Peony Dreams
    Part I Understanding the Text
    Part II Building Your Vocabulary
    Part III Cultural Note
  Text B Heritage Sites of Confucius and Mencius Restored to Glory,Better Life for Local Communities
    Part I Understanding the Text
  Text C The Tomb Sculptures of the First Emperor of China,Qin Shi Huangdi
  Chinese Cultural Treasures
Appendix Pinyin to Wade-Giles Conversion Table
Key to Exercises

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