朱曼華,著名翻譯家,曾任首都經貿大學外語系主任,兼任歐美同學會留美分會副會長等職務。以ManfieldZhu署名寫的《清西陵的黃昏》等英文詩曾被世界詩協編入美國出版的《2005年最好的詩人最好的詩》(The Best Poets and the Best Poems of 2005)。
序言 001 擊壤歌The Soil-Hitting Games'Song 002 關雎Singing Lovebirds 003 橘頌Ode to Orange 004 易水歌A Song for Crossing the Yi-River 005 大風歌A Gale Song 006 羽林郎Officialdom-Guard Officer 007 怨郎詩Resenting on My Lover 008 秋風辭Ode to the Autumn Wind 009 西極天馬歌Speedy Steeds Song 010 四愁詩Four Lovesick Poems 011 步出夏門行·龜雖壽Despite Turtle Longevity 012 短歌行(其一)Tune of Short Song 013 七步詩A Seven-Step Poem 014 門有萬里客行A Guest from Afar in Front of My Door 015 啄木詩Woodpecker Poem 016 歸園田居(其一)My Idyllic Countryside 017 敕勒歌The Chile-River's Song 018 后庭花Backyard Jade-Like Trees in Bloom 019 望送魏徵葬Elegy to Prime Minister Wei Zheng 020 如意娘Wishful Maiden 021 曳鼎歌An Empress Tripod Verse 022 游九龍潭Touring the Nine-Dragon-Pond 023 擬小山篇Simulation on Poet Hilly 024 進太宗Dedicated to Emperor Li Shimin 025 詠鵝Goose 026 風The Wind 027 送杜少府之任蜀州Farewell to Imperial Service Officer Du Appointed as Shu-Prefect 028 秋江送別(二首)Farewell at the Autumn River 029 回鄉偶書(二首)Impromptu Poems on Going Home 030 登幽州台歌Stepping upon Youzhou-Watchtower 031 春江花月夜Moonlight over Flowery Spring Riverside 032 登鸛雀樓Go Upstairs to the Stork-Watchtower 033 涼州詞Scenic View of Liangzhou 034 春曉Spring Dawn 035 相思Lovesickness 036 少年行(其一)Young Chivalrous Men 037 九月九日憶山東兄弟Good Memories of Brothers on Double Ninth Festival 038 使至塞上An Envoy to the Frontier 039 出寨(其一)Go to the Frontier 040 靜夜思Homesick at Quiet Night 041 望廬山瀑布Looking up at Lushan Waterfall …… 196 送別A Farewell Song 197 自嘲Self-Mockery 198 鋒客消Reply for Friendly Mockery 199 自題小像My Inscription on My Own Photo 200 題三義塔Inscription to the Memorial Pagoda 201 教我如何不想她Love Song
202 晰析線風箏The Line-Broken Kito 201 再別康橋Farewell to Cambridge Once More 204 沙揚娜拉Parewell 205 就義詩Gilve Up one's Lifo Heroically 206 述志I Verse on My Will 207 你是人間的四月天——一句愛的讚頌 You Were My Human April-Duy My Lovely Praise to You 208 雨巷Rain Lane 209 老馬An Old Horng 210 漢俳The First Chinese Halku 211 放腳時代的尼印Epoch Footprints of Women Foot Liberation 212 我愛這士地I Love My Native Land 213 詠風箏Ode to a Khte 214 鄉愁My Homesickness 215 無怨的青春The Youth with No Resentment 216 致橡樹My Lyric to Oak 217 日記My Diary 218 黛玉Lin Daiyu