幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:李靜瑩|責編:楊軍//張煒
  • 出版社:西北工大
  • ISBN:9787561285633
  • 出版日期:2022/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:247
人民幣:RMB 75 元      售價:



Ⅰ  Introduction
  1  The Motivation of the Study
  2  The Background of the Study
  3  The Purpose of the Study
  4  The Significance of the Study
  5  Layout of the Book
Ⅱ  Literature Review
  1  Traditional Approach to English Voice Category
  2  Generative Approach to English Voice Category
  3  Functional Approach to English Voice Category
  4  Cognitive Approach to English Voice Category
  5  Problems and Limitations Concerning Different Linguistic Schools
  6  The Approach of the Current Book
Ⅲ  Theoretical Framework
  1  Fuzziness, Discreteness, and Continuity
  2  Categories and Categorization
  3  Schema Theory
  4  Construal
  5  Force Dynamic Theory
  6  Research Methodology and Procedure
  7  Summary
Ⅳ  Categorization of Grammatical Voice: Attributes and Taxonomy
  1  Attributes of the Grammatical Voice Category in Languages
  2  Taxonomy of the Grammatical Voice Category in Languages
  3  Definition and Subcategories of Voice in English in this Study
  4  Summary
Ⅴ  The Fuzzy Feature Shown in the Categorization of Active Constructions and Their Cognitive Model
  1  The Active Prototype and Its Discrete Characterization
  2  Active Non-prototypes and Continuous Characterization
  3  The Active Schema Based on Prototype and Its Extensions
  4  Proposed Sketch of the Active Cognitive Model
  5  Summary
Ⅵ  The Fuzzy Features Shown in the Categorization of Passive Constructions and Their Cognitive Model
  1  The Passive Prototype and Its Discrete Characterization
  2  Passive Non-prototypes and Continuous Characterization
  3  Proposed Sketch of the Passive Cognitive Model
  4  Summary
Ⅶ  The Fuzzy Features Shown in Medial Voice Constructions and Their Cognitive Models
  1  Middle Constructions
  2  Causative Constructions
  3  Anticausative Constructions
  4  Antipassive Constructions
  5  Reciprocal Constructions
  6  Reflexive Constructions
  7  Applicative Constructions
  8  Summary
Ⅷ  Conclusion

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