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  • 作者:卞軍//藺海蘭|責編:杜宇芳
  • 出版社:輕工
  • ISBN:9787518447640
  • 出版日期:2024/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:483
人民幣:RMB 98 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  The importance of polymer science and engineering
  1.2  The task of polymer physics
    1.2.1  The main task of polymer physics
    1.2.2  Main contents and the requirements of the course
  1.3  The definition and the chemical nature of polymers
    1.3.1  Introduction
    1.3.2  The classification of polymers
    1.3.3  Classical polymerization processes
    1.3.4  Newer polymers and polymerization processes
  1.4  A brief history of the development of polymer science and synthetic polymers
    1.4.1  Development of polymer science
    1.4.2  Development of synthetic polymers
  1.5  Properties and applications of polymers
  1.6  Polymer processing
    1.6.1  Introduction
    1.6.2  Additives and composites
    1.6.3  Polymer processing
Chapter 2  Molecular sizes-the molecular mass and distribution
  2.1  Introduction
  2.2  Statistical significance of polymer molecular mass
  2.3  Characterization methods of polymer molecular mass
  2.4  Characterization method of the molecular mass distribution
  2.5  Determination of molar masses and distributions
    2.5.1  End-group Analysis
    2.5.2  Osmotic Pressure
    2.5.3  Light Scattering
    2.5.4  Flight Time
    2.5.5  Viscometry
  2.6  Determination Methods of Molecular Mass Distribution
    2.6.1  Phase Separation and Fractionation
    2.6.2  Cel Permeation Chromatography
Chapter 3  The chain structure of polymers
  3.1  Introduction
  3.2  Construction
  3.3  Configuration
    3.3.1  Bonding methods of monomer
    3.3.2  Branching
    3.3.3  Cross-linking
    3.3.4  Sequential structure of copolymer
    3.3.5  Configuration isomerism of polymer chains
  3.4  Conformation
    3.4.1  Size and shape of polymer chain
    3.4.2  The shapes of polymer molecules
    3.4.3  The internal rotational conformation and flexibility of a polymer chain
    3.4.4  The single freely jointed chain

    3.4.5  More realistic chains-the excluded volume effect
    3.4.6  Characteristics of polymer chain flexibility
    3.4.7  Wormlike chains
Chapter 4  The condensed structure of polymers
  4.1  Introduction
  4.2  Forces between polymer molecules
    4.2.1  Van der Waals force and hydrogen bond
    4.2.2  Cohesive energy and cohesive energy density
  4.3  The structure model of amorphous polymer
    4.3.1  Three structural models of amorphous state
    4.3.2  The macro-conformations of polymers
    4.3.3  Lamellar stacks
  4.4  Crystalline state of polymers
    4.4.1  Crystal morphology of crystalline polymers
    4.4.2  Crystallization process of polymer
    4.4.3  Structural model of crystalline polymers
  4.5  Crystallinity
    4.5.1  Definition of crystallinity
    4.5.2  Experimental determination of crystallinity
    4.5.3  Factors influencing crystallinity
    4.5.4  The effect of crystallinity on polymer properties
  4.6  Melting and melting point of crystalline polymers
    4.6.1  Melting thermodynamic analysis of crystalline polymers
    4.6.2  Melting characteristics of crystalline polymers
    4.6.3  Influencing factors of polymer melting point
Chapter 5  Polymer solution
Chapter 6  Polymer blends
Chapter 7  Motion of polymer molecules
Chapter 8  Mechanical properties of polymers-Part Ⅰ: Tensile, Yield, Break and Strength
Chapter 9  Mechanical properties of polymers-Part Ⅱ: High elasticity and viscoelasticity
Chapter 10  Other properties of polymers
Chapter 11  Analyzing and characterizing methods of polymers

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