幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:陳晉|責編:楊雪|譯者:何明霞//楊春燕
  • 出版社:五洲傳播
  • ISBN:9787508551586
  • 出版日期:2024/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:232
人民幣:RMB 118 元      售價:



Chapter One New Era, New Contradictions and New Goals
  Section Ⅰ Entering into the New Era
  Section Ⅱ Interpretation of New Contradictions
  Section Ⅲ What Are New Goals?
Chapter Two The Chinese Path and Its Context
  Section Ⅰ The Chinese Path Today
  Section Ⅱ What Is the Chinese Path?
  Section Ⅲ Where Did the Chinese Path Come from?
  Section Ⅳ How to Take the Chinese Path?
Chapter Three From the Chinese Path to the Chinese Dream
  Section Ⅰ The Interconnection between "Path" and "Dream
  Section Ⅱ The Historical Process of Finding a Path and Building a Dream
  Section Ⅲ Building the Cornerstone of the Chinese Dream
Chapter Four Mao Zedong and Exploration of the Path
  Section Ⅰ Institutional Foundation
  Section Ⅱ Experience Accumulation
  Section Ⅲ Theoretical Preparation
Chapter Five Deng Xiaoping and Confidence in the Path
  Section Ⅰ Summarizing History: "Take Our Own Road
  Section Ⅱ Creating a New Landscape: "China Has No Alternative but to Take this Path
  Section Ⅲ Looking Forward: "Socialism Is the Only Way
Chapter Six From the Long March to the Long March of the New Era
  Section Ⅰ The Long March and the Ideological Consciousness of the Communist Party of China
  Section Ⅱ The Long March and the Organizational Maturity of the Communist Party of China
  Section Ⅲ The Long March and the Spiritual Heights of the Communist Party of China
  Section Ⅳ The Long March on the Chinese Path in the New Era
Chapter Seven New Start of Reform on the Chinese Path
  Section Ⅰ Prominent Symbol: Establishing the Overall Goal of Comprehensively Deepening Reform
  Section Ⅱ Summary of Experience: Scientifically Grasping and Applying the Advancing Law of Reform and Opening up
  Section Ⅲ Deep Water Zone: Coordinating the Interests Separation, Breaking Vested Interests
Chapter Eight Spiritual Pedigree on the Chinese Path
  Section Ⅰ Formation and Development of the Spiritual Spectrum
  Section Ⅱ Ideological Core and Practical Attributes of Spiritual Spectrum
  Section Ⅲ Moral Charm of Spiritual Spectrum and Its Characteristics of the Nation and the Era
Chapter Nine Leadership Style on the Chinese Path
  Section Ⅰ People's Stand
  Section Ⅱ Consciousness of Discipline and Rules
  Section Ⅲ The Spirit of Taking Responsibility
Chapter Ten Traditional Culture on the Chinese Path
  Section Ⅰ Exploring the Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture from the Perspective of the Chinese Dream
  Section Ⅱ On "Creative Transformation and Innovative Development
  Section Ⅲ Cultivating Core Socialist Values from the Perspective of Family Tradition
Chapter Eleven Contemporary Culture on the Chinese Path
  Section Ⅰ From Revolutionary Culture to Advanced Socialist Culture
  Section Ⅱ Building Socialist Literature and Art with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era
  Section Ⅲ Improving Literary Style always on the Way
  Section Ⅳ Fostering Essence, Energy and Spirit for the Chinese Path
Chapter Twelve Confidence in Culture and Its Origin
  Section Ⅰ What Is Confidence in Culture?
  Section Ⅱ Historical Origin of Confidence in Culture

  Section Ⅲ Why Should We Highlight Confidence in Culture in the New Era?
  Section Ⅳ Confidence in Culture and Socialist Culture with Chinese Characteristics
Chapter Thirteen Looking at the Chinese Path from the Perspective of Confidence in Culture
  Section Ⅰ Confidence in Culture Is the Foundation and Essence for Strengthening Confidence in the Chinese Path
  Section Ⅱ Confidence in Culture and Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow of the Chinese Path
  Section Ⅲ Confidence in Culture and Practice, Theory and System of the Chinese Path
  Section Ⅳ Confidence in Culture and Share of Stories about China
Chapter Fourteen Source of Confidence in the Chinese Path
  Section Ⅰ Choice of History
  Section Ⅱ Endogenous Driving Force
  Section Ⅲ Horizontal Comparison
  Section Ⅳ People-centered Principle
  Section Ⅴ Peaceful Development

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