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  • 作者:編者:許建平|責編:劉艷
  • 出版社:清華大學
  • ISBN:9787302662952
  • 出版日期:2024/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:332
人民幣:RMB 79 元      售價:



Unit 1  Introduction:Translation and Translation Techniques
    Practice of the Relevant Skill相關翻譯技巧訓練
    I.Important Role ofTranslation翻譯的重要作用
    II.Nature and Scope ofTranslation翻譯的性質和範圍
    III.Principles or Criteria ofTranslation翻譯的原則標準
    IV.Literal Translation and Free Translation直譯與意譯
    V.Translation Techniques翻譯技巧種種
    Reflections and Practice思考與練習
Unit 2 Diction遣詞用字
  Practice of the Relevant Skill相關翻譯技巧訓練
  I.Equivalence Between English and Chinese at Word Level英漢詞字層面的對等關係
    1.Wo rd—for—Word Equivalence詞字對等
    2.One Word with Multiple Equivalents ofthe Same Meaning多詞同義
    3.One Word with Several Equivalents of Difierent Meanings一詞多義
    4.Equivalents Interwoven with One Another詞義交織
    5.Wo rds Without Co rresponding Equivalents無對等詞語
  II.Methods to Make out the Meaning of a Given Word英語詞義辨析法
    1.Judging by Word Formation通過構詞法確定詞義
    2.Judging by Refe rences通過指代關係確定詞義
    3.Judging by Context and Collocation通過上下文及習慣搭配確定詞義
    4.Judging by Branches of Learning and Specialties按不同學科或專業門類確定詞義
  III.Techniques ofTranslating a Given English Word英語詞語翻譯技巧
    6.Com bi nation合併法
    8.Pict。graphic Translation圖形法
  IV.Diction in C-E Translation漢譯英的選詞用字
  Reflections and Practice思考與練習
Unit 3  Conversion轉I奐
  Practice of the Relevant Skill相關翻譯技巧訓練
  I.Conversion in E-C Translation英譯漢的詞類轉換
    1.Converting into Verbs轉換成動詞
    2.Converting into Nouns轉換成名詞
    3.Converting into Adjectives轉換成形容詞
    4.Converting into Adverbs轉換成副詞
    5.The Conversion of Sentence Elements句子成分轉換
  II.Conversions in C.E Translation漢譯英的詞類轉換
    1.Converting Verbs into Other Parts of Speech漢語動詞轉換成其他詞類
    2.Conversions Between Diffe rent Pa rts of Speech各種詞類相互轉換
  Reflections and Practice思考與練習
Unit 4  Amplification增添法
  Practice of the Relevant Skill相關翻譯技巧訓練
  I.Amplification in E-C Translation增詞法在英漢翻譯中的運用
    1.Putting in Words Omitted in the Original加入原文所省略的詞語
    2.Putting in Necessa ry Connectives加入必要的連接詞語

    3.Putting in Words to Convey the Concept of Plu rality增詞以表達複數概念
    4.Putting in Words to Indicate Diffe rentTenses o r Sequences增詞以表現不同的時態或先後順序
Unit 5  Omission省略法
Unit 6  Restructuring結構調整
Unit 7  Affirmative VS.Negative肯定與否定
Unit 8  The Passive Voice被動語態
Unit 9  NominaI Clauses名詞性從句
Unit 10  Attributive Clauses定語從句
Unit 11  Adverbial Clauses狀語從旬
Unit 12  Long Sentences長句
Unit 13  Developing Comprehensive Abilities Through Comparative Studies and Practice通過比較研究與實踐培養翻譯綜合能力
Unit 14  E-C Translation Exercises英漢翻譯練習
Unit 15  C-E Translation Exercises漢英翻譯練習
Keys to Translation Exercises翻譯練習參考譯文
Append ix A  大學英語四、六級考試翻譯真題及參考譯文(2017-2023)
Appendix B  考研英語翻譯真題及參考譯文(2014-2023)

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