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  • 作者:編者:曾薇//董銀秀|責編:康蕊
  • 出版社:暨南大學
  • ISBN:9787566838629
  • 出版日期:2024/02/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:343
人民幣:RMB 78 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Writing Process(寫作過程)
  1.1  Pre-writing: Examining Topics and Generating Ideas(寫前:審題和構思)
  1.2  While-writing: Outlining and Drafting(寫中:大綱和草稿)
  1.3  Post-writing: Editing and Proofreading(寫后:編輯和校對)
  Exercises for Chapter 1
Chapter 2  Diction (措辭)
  2.1  Three Levels of Words (詞的三個層次)
  2.2  General Words and Specific Words(抽象詞和具體詞)
  2.3  Figures of Speech (修辭手法)
  2.4  Common Problems in Word Choice(辭彙選擇的常見問題)
  Exercises for Chapter 2
Chapter 3  Sentence Writing (句子寫作)
  3.1  Fundamentals of English Sentences(句子的基礎知識)
  3.2  Principles for Effective Sentences(有效句的原則)
  3.3  Sentence Combination (句子的組合)
  3.4  Common Problems in Sentence Writing(句子寫作中的常見問題)
  Exercises for Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Paragraph Writing (段落寫作)
  4.1  Paragraph Types (段落的類型)
  4.2  Paragraph Structure (段落結構)
  4.3  Effective Paragraphs(有效段落)
  4.4  Ways of Developing a Paragraph(段落展開的方式)
  Exercises for Chapter 4
Chapter 5  Descriptive Writing(描寫性寫作)
  5.1  Descriptive Sentence Writing(描寫性句子寫作)
  5.2  Descriptive Paragraph Writing(描寫性段落寫作)
  5.3  Descriptive Essay Writing(描寫性短文寫作)
  Exercises for Chapter 5
Chapter 6  Narrative Writing (記敘性寫作)
  6.1  Narrative Sentence Writing(記敘性句子寫作)
  6.2  Narrative Paragraph Writing(記敘性段落寫作)
  6.3  Narrative Essay Writing(記敘性短文寫作)
  Exercises for Chapter 6
Chapter 7  Expositive Writing(說明性寫作)
  7.1  Expositive Sentence Writing(說明性句子寫作)
  7.2  Expositive Paragraph Writing(說明性段落寫作)
  7.3  Expositive Essay Writing(說明性短文寫作)
  Exercises for Chapter 7
Chapter 8  Argumentative Writing(議論性寫作)
  8.1  Argumentative Sentence Writing(議論性句子寫作)
  8.2  Argumentative Paragraph Writing(議論性段落寫作)
  8.3  Argumentative Essay Writing(議論性短文寫作)
  Exercises for Chapter 8
Chapter 9 Practical Writing (應用文寫作)
  9.1  Notices(通知)
  9.2  Letters (信函)
  9.3  Invitations (邀請函)
  9.4  Curriculum Vitae(簡歷)
  Exercises for Chapter 9
Chapter 10  CET4 & CET6 Writing(大學英語四、六級寫作)

  10.1  An Introduction of CET4 & CET6 Writing (大學英語四、六級寫作簡介)
  10.2  Essay Writing Based on the Given Title(命題作文)
  10.3  Essay Writing Based on the Given Outline(提綱式作文)
  10.4  Essay Writing Based on the Given Graphics(圖表作文)
  10.5  Essay Writing Based on the Given Situation(情景作文)
  Exercises for Chapter 10
Chapter 11  GEE Writing(研究生入學考試英語寫作)
  11.1  An Introduction of GEE Writing(研究生入學考試英語寫作簡介)
  11.2  Scoring Criteria and Principles(評分標準與原則)
  11.3  Analyses of Writing Lost Points(寫作失分點剖析)
  11.4  Writing Strategies (寫作思路)
  11.5  Samples from Past Exam Papers(歷年真題精講)
  11.6  Text-type Composition(文字型作文)
  Exercises for Chapter 11
Chapter 12  Academic Writing (學術寫作)
  12.1  Title(標題寫作)
  13.2  Abstract(摘要寫作)
  12.3  Body(正文寫作)
  12.4  Bibliography(參考文獻)
  12.5  Financial Support(基金項目)
  Exercises for Chapter 12
References for Exercises of Chapter 1 to Chapter 12

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