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  • 作者:編者:劉繼新|責編:許波建
  • 出版社:國防工業
  • ISBN:9787118132267
  • 出版日期:2024/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:181
人民幣:RMB 58 元      售價:

    《民航無線電陸空通話》以國際民航組織9432文件(Manual of Radiotelepho-ny)和9835文件(Manual on the Implementation of ICAO Language Proficiency Re-quirements)為藍本,以中國民航局空管局最新編修的《空中交通無線電通話用語》為依據編寫。本教材包括9個單元,共21課,內容貫穿實際空中管制與飛行工作的各方面,以國際民航組織和國內的有關文件和資料為背景,以國內外最新使用的各種常規通話用語和非正常情況下的緊急處置通話用語為主要內容,通過大量系統性的句型、對話、術語的學習以及口頭和書面的訓練,以達到使學員熟練掌握和運用無線電陸空通話用語的目的。


Unit One Basic Operating Procedures
  Lesson One Terms, Commonly Used Abbreviations, Numbers, Call Signs, Phonetic Alphabets, Standard Words and Phrases
  Lesson Two Establishing Communication and Transfer of Communication
Unit Two Preflight to Line-up
  Lesson Three ATIS, Arrival/Departure Information,Essential Aerodrome Information, VOLMET
  Lesson Four Radio Check and ATC Clearance
  Lesson Five Start-up and Push-back
  Lesson Six Taxi and Line-up
Unit Three Take-off and Departure
  Lesson Seven Take-off
  Lesson Eight Departure
Unit Four En-route
  Lesson Nine Level Information and Position Report
  Lesson Ten Join, Cross and Leave Airways
  Lesson Eleven ADS, RVSM, En-route Holding and Descent
Unit Five Approach
  Lesson Twelve RNAV, Approach
  Lesson Thirteen TCAS, Traffic Circuit
Unit Six Landing and After Landing
  Lesson Fourteen Missed Approach, Diversion and Local Training
  Lesson Fifteen Landing and After Landing, Low Altitude Warning, Terrain Alert
Unit Seven Radar Control
  Lesson Sixteen Radar Identification and Vectoring, Precision Radar Approach
  Lesson Seventeen Traffic Information and Radar Failure
Unit Eight Adverse Weather Information
  Lesson Eighteen Icing and Low Visibility
  Lesson Nineteen Turbulence,Thunderstorm and Windshear
Unit Nine Urgency and Distress
  Lesson Twenty Urgency
  Lesson Twenty-one Distress
Key to exercises

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