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  • 作者:(英)瓦茨拉夫·布雷齊納|責編:李亞琦
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521351309
  • 出版日期:2024/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:296
人民幣:RMB 98 元      售價:



List of Figures
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About This Book
1 Introduction: Statistics Meets Corpus Linguistics
  1.1  What Is This Chapter About?
  1.2  What Is Statistics? Science, Corpus Linguistics and Statistics
  1.3  Basic Statistical Terminology
  1.4  Building of Corpora and Research Design
  1.5  Exploring Data and Data Visualization
  1.6  Application and Further Examples: Do Fiction Writers Use More Adjectives than Academics?
  1.7  Exercises
  Things to Remember
  Advanced Reading
2 Vocabulary: Frequency, Dispersion and Diversity
  2.1  What Is This Chapter About?
  2.2  Tokens, Types, Lemmas and Lexemes
  2.3  Words in a Frequency List
  2.4  The Whelk Problem: Dispersion
  2.5  Which Words Are Important? Average Reduced Frequency
  2.6  Lexical Diversity: Type/Token Ratio (TTR), STTR and MATTR
  2.7  Application and Further Examples: Do the British Talk about Weather All the Time?
  2.8  Exercises
  Things to Remember
  Advanced Reading
3 Semantics and Discourse: Collocations, Keywords and
  Reliability of Manual Coding
  3.1  What Is This Chapter About?
  3.2  Collocations and Association Measures
  3.3  Collocation Graphs and Networks: Exploring Cross-associations
  3.4  Keywords and Lockwords
  3.5  Inter-rater Agreement Measures
  3.6  Application and Further Examples: What Do Readers of British Newspapers Think about Immigration?
  3.7  Exercises
  Things to Remember
  Advanced Reading
4 Lexico-grammar: From Simple Counts to Complex Models
  4.1  What Is This Chapter About?
  4.2  Analysing a Lexico-grammatical Feature
  4.3  Cross-tabulation, Percentages and Chi-squared Test
  4.4  Logistic Regression
  4.5  Application: That or Which?
  4.6  Exercises
  Things to Remember
  Advanced Reading
5 Register Variation: Correlation, Clusters and Factors
  5.1  What Is This Chapter About?
  5.2  Relationships between Variables: Correlations
  5.3  Classification: Hierarchical Agglomerative Cluster Analysis
  5.4  Multidimensional Analysis (MD)

  5.5  Application: Registers in New Zealand English
  5.6  Exercises
  Things to Remember
  Advanced Reading
6 Sociolinguistics and Stylistics: Individual and Social Variation
  6.1  What Is This Chapter About?
  6.2  Individual Style and Social Variation: Where Does a Sociolinguistic Variable Start?
  6.3  Group Comparison: T-Test, ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U Test, Kruskal-Wallis Test
  6.4  Individual Style: Correspondence Analysis
  6.5  Linguistic Context: Mixed-Effects Models
  6.6  Application: Who Is This Person from the White House?
  6.7  Exercises
  Things to Remember
  Advanced Reading
7 Change over Time: Working Diachronic Data
  7.1  What Is This Chapter About?
  7.2  Time as a Variable: Measuring and Visualizing Time
  7.3  Finding and Interpreting Differences: Percentage Change and the Bootstrap Test
  7.4  Grouping Time Periods: Neighbouring Cluster Analysis
  7.5  Modelling Changes in Discourse: Peaks and Troughs and UFA
  7.6  Application: Colours in the Seventeenth Century
  7.7  Exercises
  Things to Remember
  Advanced Reading
8 Bringing Everything Together: Ten Principles of Statistical Thinking, Meta-analysis and Effect Sizes
  8.1  What Is This Chapter About?
  8.2  Ten Principles of Statistical Thinking
  8.3  Meta-analysis: Statistical Synthesis of Research Results
  8.4  Effect Sizes: A Guide for Meaningful Use
  8.5  Exercises
  Things to Remember
  Advanced Reading
Final Remarks

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