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Ecology of Fish Community(Niche Modeling Based on Fish Morphological Parameters)

  • 作者:LI Xinhui//LAI Zini//YU Yumian
  • 出版社:科學
  • ISBN:9787030774644
  • 出版日期:2024/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:359
人民幣:RMB 298 元      售價:


LI Xinhui//LAI Zini//YU Yumian

CHAPTER 1  Fish Communities and River Ecosystems
  1.1  Species
    1.1.1  Species Clasification
    1.1.2  Fish
    1.1.3  Morphological Characters for Classification
  1.2  Community
    1.2.1  Composition
    1.2.2  Proportion
    1.2.3  Structure
    1.2.4  Community Habitat
    1.2.5  Environment
    1.2.6  Ecological Characters
    1.2.7  Spatial Pattern
    1.2.8  Temporal Characteristics
  1.3  Niche
    1.3.1  Ideal Niche
    1.3.2  Real Niche
    1.3.3  Conservation
    1.3.4  Multidimensionality
    1.3.5  Overlap
    1.3.6  Niche Breadth
    1.3.7  Ecological Equivalents
    1.3.8  Coincident Species
    1.3.9  Species Evolution and Niche
  1.4  River Ecosystem Elements
    1.4.1  Water Chemistry
    1.4.2  Water Quality
    1.4.3  Aquatic Life
    1.4.4  Organic Detritus
    1.4.5  Productivity of Water Bodies
    1.4.6  Trophic Level
    1.4.7  Natural Balance
    1.4.8  Water Pollution
    1.4.9  Algal Blooms
  1.5  Freshwater Fish
    1.5.1  Global Freshwater Fish Communities
    1.5.2  Community Characteristics of Freshwater Fish in China
CHAPTER 2  Fish Morphological Models and Mechanisms
  2.1  Multivariate Statistics
    2.1.1  Regression Analysis
    2.1.2  Linear Discriminant Analysis
    2.1.3  Cluster Analysis
    2.1.4  Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
    2.1.5  Correspondence Analysis
    2.1.6  Factor Analysis
    2.1.7  Canonical Correlation Analysis
  2.2  Morphological Data Model
    2.2.1  Data Source

    2.2.2  Data Matrix
    2.2.3  Principles of the Correspondence Analysis Model
    2.2.4  Contribution to Variance
    2.2.5  Graph Representation of the Interspecific Relationships Within Fish Communities
  2.3  The Model
    2.3.1  Species Relationship Model
    2.3.2  Character Fitness
    2.3.3  Applicability of New Species
  2.4  Examples of Model Application
    2.4.1  Characterization of Community Specics Relationships
    2.4.2  Determining the Ideal Niche
  2.43  Iteration
    2.4.4  Sample Iteration Order
    2.4.5  Sample Iteration Constraints
    2.4.6  Sample Normalization
    2.4.7  Model Checking
    2.4.8  Model Workflow
    2.4.9  Model Application and Limitations
  2.5  The Modeling Software
    2.5.1  Data File and Editing
    2.5.2  Run
CHAPTER 3  Relationship Between Community Structure and Species Sucession
  3.1  Simulations of Species Removal
    3.1.1  Osmeriformes Lcucosoma chinensis (Osbeck, 1765)
    3.1.2  Cyprinifome
    3.1.3  Siluriformes, Bagridae
    3.1.4  Perciformes
    3.1.5  Tetraodontiformes
  3.2  Simulated Community
    3.2.1  Niche Composition
    3.2.2  Niche Chang
CHAPTER 4  Relationship Between Community Niche and Succession
  4.1  Characteristics of Community Stabilit
    4.1.1  Species Substitutability
    4.1.2  Community Cohesion
    4.1.3  Community Integration
    4.1.4  Characteristics of the Geographic Distribution of the Ecological Niche Response
    4.1.5  Differences
    4.1.6  Feeding Habits
  4.2  「Subunit Community" Succession
    4.2.1  Niche Changes in the "Subunit Comrmunity"
    4.2.2  Simulated Community Performance After Species Removal
    4.2.3  The Evolutionary Characteristics of the「Subunit Communities"
CHAPTER 5  Fish Community Reconstruction and Case Study
  5.1  River Ecosystems
    5.1.1  River Structure
    5.1.2  River Ecological Function
    5.1.3  Composition of the Fish Diet
    5.1.4  Fish Trophic Levels
  5.2  Molecular Mechanisms of Energy Utilization and Ecological Niche

    5.2.1  Fish Amylase
    5.2.2  Gene Sequence and Niche
    5.2.3  Amylase Gene Transcription and Animal Feeding Habits
  5.3  Species Selection for Community Construction
    5.3.1  Multispecies Model
    5.3.2  The Food Chain is Fully Functional
    5.3.3  Species Compatibility
  5.4  Examples of Model Applcatio
    5.4.1  Relationship Between Model "Potential" and Comrmunity
    5.4.2  Environmental Impact Analysis Reference Frame
    5.4.3  Analysis of the Niche of the Artificial Community

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