前言 Introduction 什麼是當代藝術 What is contemporary art? 它源自哪裡 Where did it come from? 它必須具有實際意義嗎 Does it have to mean something? 它給人以什麼樣的感覺 What about how it feels? 它非得如此嚴肅嗎 Does it have to be so serious? 誰是作者有關係嗎 Does it matter who makes it? 界線該在何處劃定 Where do you draw the line? 什麼都可以成為藝術嗎 Can anything be art? 這一切從前都做過了嗎 Has it all been done before? 未來的走向如何 What now? 參閱資料 References 圖片來源和作者 Picture credits 鳴謝 Acknowledgements