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  • 作者:編者:韓永紅//李婷婷|責編:劉向榮
  • 出版社:人民郵電
  • ISBN:9787115632883
  • 出版日期:2024/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:178
人民幣:RMB 49.8 元      售價:



Part Ⅰ  The Legal Environment of International Business
  Chapter 1  International Business and the Risks
    1.1  What Is International Business
    1.2  The Environment of International Business
    1.3  History of International Business
    1.4  Risks of International Business
  Chapter 2  International Business Law and International Organizations
    2.1  International Law
    2.2  International Business Law
    2.3  International Organizations
  Chapter 3  National Laws and Legal Systems
    3.1  Major World Legal Systems
    3.2  National Laws Governing International Business Transactions
Part Ⅱ  International Sale of Goods
  Chapter 4  Overview of International Sale of Goods
    4.1  Fundamentals of International Sale of Goods
    4.2  Procedure of International Sale of Goods
    4.3  Risks in International Sale of Goods
  Chapter 5  Introduction to International Sales Contracts
    5.1  Fundamentals of Contracts
    5.2  Laws and Practices on International Sales Contracts
  Chapter 6  Legal Issues on International Sales Contracts
    6.1  Formation of International Sales Contracts
    6.2  Seller』s Obligations
    6.3  Buyer』s Obligations
    6.4  Risk of Loss
    6.5  Excused Performance
    6.6  Remedies for Breach of Contract
  Chapter 7  International Transportation of Goods
    7.1  Transportation of Goods by Sea
    7.2  Transportation of Goods by Air
    7.3  Transportation of Goods by Rail and Road
    7.4  Multimodal Transportation of Goods
    7.5  Marine Cargo Insurance
  Chapter 8  Payment in International Sale of Goods
    8.1  Modes of International Payment
    8.2  Fundamentals of Negotiable Instruments
    8.3  The Bill of Exchange
    8.4  Letters of Credit
Part Ⅲ  International Transfer of Intellectual Property Rights
  Chapter 9  Intellectual Property Rights and Licensing
    9.1  Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Rights
    9.2  International Intellectual Property Organizations and Treaties
    9.3  Regulations on International Licensing
    9.4  Regulations of International Franchising
Part Ⅳ  Settlement of International Commercial Disputes
  Chapter 10  International Commercial Arbitration
    10.1  Methods of International Commercial Dispute Settlement
    10.2  Settlement of International Commercial Disputes through Arbitration

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