幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:黎昌抱//邵斌|責編:李晨
  • 出版社:浙江大學
  • ISBN:9787308227827
  • 出版日期:2023/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:309
人民幣:RMB 60 元      售價:



Part Ⅰ Chinese Translation Theory
  Chapter One Translation of Buddhist Scriptures
  Chapter Two Translation ofWestem Science by Jesuit Missionaries in the Ming Dynasty
  Chapter Three Translation of Science in the Late Qing Dynasty
  Chapter Four Yan Fu』s Translation Principles
  Chapter Five Lin Shu』s Translation Activities
  Chapter Six Hu Shi』s Translation Theory and Practice
  Chapter Seven Lu Xun』s Translation Theory and Practice
  Chapter Eight Liang Shiqiu』s Translation Theory and His Disputes with Lu Xun
  Chapter Nine Lin Yutang』s Translation Theory and Practice
  Chapter Ten Guo Moruo』s Translation Theory and Practice
  Chapter Eleven Zhu Shenghao』s Translation of Shakespeare
  Chapter Twelve Fu Lei』s Translation Theory and Practice
  Chapter Thirteen Qian Zhongshu』s Translation Theory and Practice
  Chapter Fourteen Wang Zuoliang』s Translation Theory and Practice
  Chapter Fifteen Yang Xianyi,Gladys Yang and Translation of Chinese Classics
  Chapter Sixteen Yu Guangzhong』s Translation Theory and Practice
  Chapter Seventeen Hu Gengshen』s Translation Theory and Practice
Part Ⅱ Western Translation Theory
  Chapter One The Romans:Cicero,Horace and Quintilian
  Chapter Two Bible Translation in the West
  Chapter Three Translation Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Times
  Chapter Four John Dryden』s Translation Theory
  Chapter Five Alexander Fraser Tytler and Essay on the Principles of Translation
  Chapter Six Translation Theory in Germany:Goere and Schleiermacher
  Chapter Seven Victorian Translation and Criticism:On Translating Homer
  Chapter Eight Edward Fitzgerald and His Translation of The Rubdiydt
  Chapter Nine Linguistic Theory of Translation:Jakobson and Catford
  Chapter Ten Theodore Savory and The Art ofTranslation
  Chapter Eleven Eugene Nida』s Translation Theory
  Chapter Twelve Peter Newmark』s Translation Theory
  Chapter Thirteen Susan Bassnett and Cultural Translation
  Chapter Fourteen Lawrence Venuti』s Translation Theory
  Chapter Fifteen Functionalist Approaches to Translation and Skopostheorie
  Chapter Sixteen Pierre Bourdieu and The Fiem of Cultural Production
  Chapter Seventeen Mona Baker and Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies
Implications and Applications

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