ACTIVITIES: Before Reading PEOPLE IN THIS STORY 1 Pip meets a stranger 2 Catching a convict 3 An opportunity for Pip 4 A present from a stranger 5 Pip's sister is attacked 6 Great expectations 7 Pip arrives in London 8 Visiting Mr Wemmick and Mr Jaggers 9 A visit from Joe 10 Pip and Herbert talk about love 11 Pip attends a burial 12 Pip discovers the truth 13 Planning Magwitch's future and hearing about his past 14 Pip visits Estella and Miss Havisham again 15 Shelter for Magwitch 16 Miss Havisham realises how Pip has suffered 17 Pip is close to death 18 The end of Magwitch's story 19 A wedding ACTIVITIES: After Reading TRANSLATION 參考譯文