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  • 作者:編者:陳文彥//馬紅鋁|責編:吉雄飛
  • 出版社:東南大學
  • ISBN:9787576613896
  • 出版日期:2024/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:298
人民幣:RMB 51.8 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Limit and Continuity
  1.1  Functions
    1.1.1  Mopping
    1.1.2  Function of Single Vorioble
    1.1.3  Elementory Functions ond Hyperbolic Functions
    Exercise 1.1
  1.2  The Concept of Limits and its Properties
    1.2.1  Limits of Sequence
    1.2.2  Limits of Functions
    1.2.3  Properties of Limits
    Exercise 1.2
  1.3  Rules for Finding Limits
    1.3.1  Operation on Limits
    1.3.2  Limits Theorem
    1.3.3  Two Important Special Limits
    Exercise 1.3
  1.4  Infinitesimal and Infinite
    1.4.1  Infinitesimal
    1.4.2  Infinite
    1.4.3  Comparison between Infinitesimal
    Exercise 1.4
  1.5  Continuous Function
    1.5.1  Continuity
    1.5.2  Continuity of Elementary Functions
    1.5.3  Discontinuity
    1.5.4  Theorems about Continuous Functions on a Closed Interval
    Exercise 1.5
  Chapter Review Exercise
Chapter 2  Differentiation
  2.1  The Derivative
    2.1.1  Two Problems with one Theme
    2.1.2  Definition of the Derivative
    2.1.3  Geometric Interpretation of the Derivative
    2.1.4  The Relationship between Differentiability and Continuity
    Exercise 2.1
  2.2  Finding Rules for Derivative
    2.2.1  Derivative of Basic Elementary Functions
    2.2.2  Derivative of Arithmetic Combination
    2.2.3  The Derivative Rule for Inverses
    2.2.4  Derivative of Composition
    2.2.5  Implicit Differentiation
    2.2.6  Parametric Differentiation
    2.2.7  Related Rates of Change
    Exercise 2.2
  2.3  Higher-Order Derivatives
    Exercise 2.3
  2.4  Differentials
    2.4.1  Definition of Differentials
    2.4.2  Differential Rules
    2.4.3  Application of Differentials in Approximation

    Exercise 2.4
  2.5  The Mean Value Theorem
    2.5.1  Fermat's Theorem
    2.5.2  Rolle's Theorem
    2.5.3  Lagrange's Theorem
    2.5.4  Cauchy's Theorem
    Exercise 2.5
  2.6  L'Hopital's Rule
    2.6.1  Indeterminate Forms of Type 0/0
    2.6.2  Indeterminate Forms of Type ∞/∞
    2.6.3  Other Indeterminate Forms
    Exercise 2.6
  2.7  Taylor's Theorem
    Exercise 2.7
  2.8  Applications of Derivatives
    2.8.1  Monotonicity
    2.8.2  Local Extreme Values
    2.8.3  Global Maxima and Minima
    2.8.4  Concavity
    2.8.5 Asymptote
    2.8.6  Graphing Functions
    Exercise 2.8
  Chapter Review Exercise
Chapter 3  Integration
  3.1  The Definite Integral
    3.1.1  Two Examples
    3.1.2  Properties of Definite Integral
    Exercise 3.1
  3.2  The Fundamental Theorem
    3.2.1  Newton-Leibniz Formula
    3.2.2  The First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
    Exercise 3.2
  3.3  The Indefinite Integral
    3.3.1  The Definition of Indefinite Integral
    3.3.2  Substitution in Indefinite Integrals
    3.3.3  Indefinite Integration by Parts
    3.3.4  Indefinite Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions
    Exercise 3.3
  3.4  Techniques of Definite Integration
    3.4.1  Substitution in Definite Integrals
    3.4.2  Definite Integration by Parts
    Exercise 3.4
  3.5  Applications of Definite Integrals
    3.5.1  Infinite Sum Theorem
    3.5.2  Area between Two Curves
    3.5.3  Volumes of Solids
    3.5.4  Lengths of Plane Curves
    3.5.5  Areas of Surface of Revolution
    3.5.6  Mass and Center of Mass
    3.5.7  Work and Fluid Force

    Exercise 3.5
  3.6  Improper Integrals
    3.6.1  The proposition of Improper Integrals
    3.6.2  Improper Integrals..Infinite Limits of Integration
    3.6.3  Improper Integrals: Infinite Integrands
    Exercise 3.6
  3.7  Tests for Improper Integrals
    3.7.1  Test for Improper Integrals: Infinite Limits of Integration
    3.7.2  Test for Improper Integrals.Infinite Integrands
    3.7.3  The Gamma Function
    Exercise 3.7
  Chapter Review Exercise
Chapter 4  Differential Equations
  4.1  Differential Equations of the First Order
    4.1.1  The Concept of Differential Equations
    4.1.2  Equations with Variable Separable
    4.1.3  Homogeneous Equation
    4.1.4  First-Order Linear Differential Equations
    4.1.5  Equations Reducible to First-Order
    Exercise 4.1
  4.2  Linear Differential Equations
    4.2.1  Basic Theory of Linear Differential Equations
    4.2.2  Linear Differential Equations of the Second-Order with Constant Coefficients
    4.2.3  Euler Differential Equation
    Exercise 4.2
  4.3  Systems of Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients
    Exercise 4.3
  4.4  Applications of Ordinary Derivative Equation
    Exercise 4.4
  Chapter Review Exercise
Solutions to Selected Problem

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