幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:孫黎|責編:王悅生|總主編:張廷佺//齊偉鈞
  • 出版社:上海大學
  • ISBN:9787567149076
  • 出版日期:2024/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:290
人民幣:RMB 58 元      售價:



Unit One The Private Life of Mr.Bidwell
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Linguistic Point 1:Pragmatics
Unit Two Home Is Where the Heart Is
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Linguistic Point 2:Sociolinguistics
Unit Three The Roles of Husband and Wife
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Linguistic Point 3:Psycholinguistics
Unit Four Being a Secretary Can Be Hazardous to Your Health
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Linguistic Point 4:Neurolinguistics
Unit Five Helping Parents of Gifted Children
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Survey of English-speaking Countries 1
Unit Six Intelligence
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Survey of English-speaking Countries 2
Unit Seven A Farewell to Arms

  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Survey of English-speaking Countries 3
Unit Eight Intelligence in an Electronic Age
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Survey of English-speaking Countries 4
Unit Nine Neat People vs.Sloppy People
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Survey of English-speaking Countries 5
Unit Ten Friends,Good Friends— and Such Good Friends
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Survey of English-speaking Countries 6
Unit Eleven How Books Helped Shape My Life
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Survey of English-speaking Countries 7
Unit Twelve Opening a Windo w to the Autistic Brain
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Survey of English-speaking Countries 8
Appendix Key to Exercises

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