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  • 作者:劉鳳閣//秦玥|責編:包靈靈
  • 出版社:浙江大學
  • ISBN:9787308245531
  • 出版日期:2023/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:149
人民幣:RMB 58 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  Research Background
  1.2  Research Objectives
  1.3  Research Contents
  1.4  Outline of the Book
Chapter 2  Theoretical Review
  2.1  Theories of Motivation
    2.1.1  Behavior Reinforcement Theories
    2.1.2  Need Theories
    2.1.3  Goal Theories
    2.1.4  Self-Determination Theory
    2.1.5  Flow
  2.2  Traditional L2 Motivation Research and L2 Motivational Self System Theory
    2.2.1  The Developing Concept of L2 Motivation
    2.2.2  L2 Motivational Self System and Traditional Motivational Concepts
  2.3  Review of the Instructional Strategy for Motivational Enhancement
    2.3.1  From Merely Theoretical Considerations to Motivational Teaching Practice
    2.3.2  Self-based Approaches to Motivational Enhancement Instructional Strategy
    2.3.3  Process Model of Motivational Strategies in L2 Learning
    2.3.4  Goal Setting Principles and Enhancement of Self-Esteem/ Self-Confidence to Motivate L2 Learners
    2.3.5  Possible Selves Program
    2.3.6  The Latest Motivational Enhancement Strategies: Visionary Motivational Program
  2.4  Summary
Chapter 3  Research Design
  3.1  Research Purposes
  3.2  Research Questions
  3.3  Research Method
    3.3.1  Literature Review Method
    3.3.2  Quasi-Experimental Research Design
    3.3.3  Development of Research Instruments
    3.3.4  Participants
    3.3.5  Data Collection
    3.3.6  Data Analysis Techniques and Procedure
  3.4  Intervention of the English Learning Motivationall Enhancement Strategies in the Quasi-Experiment
  3.5  Summary
Chapter 4  Results and Discussion
  4.1  Students' Evaluation of the Effect of Motivational Strategies Intervention
    4.1.1  Descriptive Analysis of the Students' Evaluation of the Effect of Motivational Strategies Intervention
    4.1.2  Correlational Analysis Between the L2 Motivational Self System and the Students' Evaluation of the Effect of Motivational Strategies Intervention
    4.1.3  Regression Analysis of the Students' Evaluation of the Effect of Motivational Strategies Intervention on L2 Motivational Self System
  4.2  Progress of Students' L2 Motivational Self System During the Quasi-Experiment
    4.2.1  The Descriptive Analysis of the Students' L2 Motivational Self System before and after the Quasi-Experiment
    4.2.2  Paired Samples t-Test of the Students' L2 Motivational Self System before and alter the Quasi-Experiment
    4.2.3  Contributions of the Ideal L2 Self, the Ought-to L2 Self and Second Language Learning Experience to Motivational Intensity in the Post-Test
  4.3  Relations Between Interventional Activities and Students' L2 Motivational Self System within High-, Mid- and Low-Proficiency Sub-Groups
  4.4  Comparison of the Effect of Moti
Chapter 5  Conclusion
  5.1  Summary of the Present Research
  5.2  Major Findings
  5.3  Research Significance
  5.4  Limitations
  5.5  Suggestions for Future Research
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3

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