幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:孫昌建|責編:沈倩
  • 出版社:杭州
  • ISBN:9787556513055
  • 出版日期:2023/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:339
人民幣:RMB 108 元      售價:

    Celebrities of Hangzhou是《杭州人物故事》的英文版。美麗的西子湖畔的青山綠水也培育了無數風流人物。本書選取杭州歷史上三十三位名人,講述他們的名聞故事。他們或生於杭州長於杭州,或來自他鄉卻在杭州寫下了其人生濃墨重彩的篇章。他們在杭州歷史上的政治、文化、科技、藝術等領域各放光彩,堪與湖山爭輝。他們有錢鏐、白居易、蘇東坡、沈括、岳飛、文天祥、于謙、俞曲園、胡雪岩、高陽等。


Su Xiaoxiao: A Romantic Courtesan
Bai Juyi: Most Memorable Is Hangzhou
King Qian Liu: Cherishing Army and Loving People
Lin Hejing: Having No Parallel in His Time
Shen Kuo: A Pioneer of Chinese Science
Su Dongpo: Causeway and Willow Trees under His Name
Yue Fei:I Fight All the Way for My Motherland
Huang Gongwang: Painting of Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains
Wen Tianxiang:Let My Heart Shine in the Annals
Yu Qian: I Want to Be an Upright Man
Zhang Dai: A Dream Seeker around the Lake
Zhang Cangshui: I Have a Hero to Follow by the Lake
Martino Martini: Introducing China to the World While
Leaving Himself in Hangzhou
Ruan Yuan: Poet Living on the Lake
Gong Zizhen: I Beg Old Man Heaven to Bestir Himself
Yu Quyuan: Spring Stays When Flower Falls
Hu Xueyan: A Lengendary Red Crown Businessman
Ding Shen and Ding Bing: Live a Frugal Life with One's Spirit Enriched by Books
Lin Qi: A Pioneer of Practical Learning in China
Zhang Taiyan: A Scholar-fighter in Modern China
Cai Dongfan: A Historian and Novelist of Eternal Renown
John Leighton Stuart: I'm a Native of Hangzhou
Qiu Jin: Autumn Wind, Autumn Rain, Fill My Heart with Sorrow
Jing Hengyi: Advance with the Times
Lu Xun: Roving and Singing in the Stormy World
Zhu Kezhen: Promoting Zhejiang University to the World
Yu Dafu: A Patriot, Writer and Martyr
Gao Zhihang: A Great Warrior of Air Force
Feng Zikai: Cherishing Love in the Crescent Moon
Dai Wangshu: A Sentimental Poet in the Rainy Alley
Qian Xuesen: A Pioneer Looking at Stars
He Ren: Valuable Years of TCM Doctor
Gao Yang: A Household Literary Name in the Country

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