幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:金佩華//楊建初//賈衛列|責編:賈延平//谷磊|譯者:初良龍//廖曉丹//湯卓裔
  • 出版社:中國財經
  • ISBN:9787522325811
  • 出版日期:2024/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:558
人民幣:RMB 120 元      售價:



Chapter 1  China's Active Response to Climate Change
  1.1  China's Active Participation in Climate Actions
  1.2  Establishing a Sound Green, Low-Carbon, and Circular Development Economic System
  1.3  China's Long-Term Low-Emissions Development Strategy on Greenhouse Gases
Chapter 2  The Action for Green and Low-Carbon Energy Transition 68
  2.1  Promoting Coal Consumption Substitution and Upgrading
  2.2  Vigorously Developing New Energy
  2.3  Development of hydropower According to Local Conditions
  2.4  Developing Nuclear Power Actively and Safely
  2.5  Rational Regulation of Oil and Gas Consumption
  2.6  Accelerating the Construction of a New Power System
Chapter 3  The Action for Energy Saving, Carbon Emission Mitigation and Efficiency Improvement
  3.1  Comprehensive Enhancement of Energy Management Capability
  3.2  Key Projects for Energy Conservation and Carbon Emission Reduction
  3.3  Advancing Energy Efficiency and Effectiveness of Key Energy-Consuming Equipment
  3.4  Strengthening Energy Efficiency and Carbon Reduction in New Infrastructure
Chapter 4  The Action for Peaking Carbon Dloxide Emissions in the Industry Sector
  4.1  Promoting Green and Low-Carbon Development in the Industrial Sector
  4.2  Promoting Carbon Peaking in the Steel Industry
  4.3  Promoting Carbon Peaking in the Non-ferrous Metal Industry
  4.4  Promoting Carbon Peaking in the Building Materials Industry
  4.5  Promoting Carbon Peaking in the Petrochemical Industry
  4.6  Curbing the Blind Development of "Two Highs" Projects Resolutely
Chapter 5  The Action for Peaking Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Urban-Rural Development Area
  5.1  Promoting Green and Low-Carbon Transformation in Urban and Rural Construction
  5.2  Accelerating the Improvement of Building Energy Efficiency
  5.3  Accelerating the Optimization of Building Energy Consumption Structure
  5.4  Advancing the Low-Carbon Transformation of Rural Constructiono and Energy Consumption
Chapter 6  The Action for Promoting Green and Low-Carbon Transportation
  6.1  Promoting Low-Carbon Transformation of Transportation Vehicles and Equipment
  6.2  Developing Green, High-Efficiency Transportation Systems
  6.3  Accelerating Construction of Green Transport Infrastructure
Chapter 7  The Action for Promoting Circular Economy in Carbon Mitigation Purpose
  7.1  Pushing Industrial Parks to Develop in a Circular Manner
  7.2  Strengthening the Comprehensive Use of Bulk Solid Waste
  7.3  Refining Systems for Resource Recyclingne рe
  7.4  Promoting Efforts to Reduce and Recycle Household Waste
Chapter 8  The Action for Advancing Green and Low-Carbon Technology Innovation
  8.1  Improving Innovation Mechanisms and Systems
  8.2  Enhancing Innovation Capability and Talent Cultivation
  8.3  Boosting Application-Oriented Basic Research
  8.4  Accelerating the Research, Development and Application of Advanced Practical Technologies
Chapter 9  The Action for Consolidating and Enhancing Carbon Sink
  9.1  Consolidating the Carbon Sequestration Capacity of Ecosystems
  10.3  Encouraging Enterprises to Fulfill Social Responsibilities
  10.4  Increasing Training for Cadres
Chapter 11  The Action for Promoting All Regions Peaking Carbon Dioxide Emissions Hierarchically and Orderly
  11.1  Setting Sound and Systematic Targets for Carbon Peaking
  11.2  Promoting Green and Low-Carbon Development According to Local Conditions
  11.3  Carrying out Pilot Projects and Formulating Local Peaking Carbon Dioxide Emission Plans

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