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  • 作者:Shuncong Zhong//Walter Nsengiyumva
  • 出版社:科學
  • ISBN:9787030780706
  • 出版日期:2024/01/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:420
人民幣:RMB 298 元      售價:


Shuncong Zhong//Walter Nsengiyumva

1 Introduction and Background of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials
  1.1  Introduction and Synopsis
  1.2  Basics of CompositesMaterials
  1.3  Polymeric Matrices and Polymerization Processes
    1.3.1  Thermosets
    1.3.2  Thermoplastics
  1.4  Reinforcements for Polymer Matrix Composites
  1.5  Types of Fiber-Based Reinforcement Architectures
    1.5.1  Woven Fabric Architectures
    1.5.2  Preimpregnated Thermosets
    1.5.3  Non-crimp Fabric Architectures
  1.6  Types of Fibers Reinforcements
    1.6.1  Glass Fibers
    1.6.2  Carbon Fibers
    1.6.3  Aramid Fibers
    1.6.4  Boron Fibers
    1.6.5  Polyethylene Fibers
    1.6.6  Ceramic Fibers andWhiskers
    1.6.7  Natural Fibers
  1.7  Design of Polymer-Matrix Composites
  1.8  Polymer-Matrix Composites Manufacturing Procedures
  1.9  FiberMetal Laminates
  1.10  Sandwich Structures
  1.11  Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Composites
  1.12  Main Types of Deficiency in Polymer-Matrix Composites
  1.13  Trends Towards Novel Technologies
  1.14  General Conclusions
2 Introduction to Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Fiber-Reinforced Composites
  2.1  Approaching the Nondestructive Testing World
  2.2  Classification of Flaws Vis-?-Vis the NDT Techniques
  2.3  General Hints on Testing Techniques and Procedures
  2.4  Classification of NDT Techniques
  2.5  Inspection Requirements for NDT Techniques
  2.6  Regulations, Standards, and Recommended Practices for NDT
  2.7  Role of Research and Development in NDT
  2.8  Application of NDT: Impact of Globalization and Operator』s Perspectives
  2.9  The Need for Reliability and Accurate Statistic Evaluation
  2.10  Probability of Detection in DNT
  2.11  Conclusions
3 Visual Testing for Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials
  3.1  Introduction
  3.2  Important Dates and Development
  3.3  Theory and Principles
  3.4  Visual Inspection Requirements
  3.5  Test Equipment and Accessories
  3.6  Applications to the Inspection of Composite Structures
  3.7  Evaluation and Reporting of Visual Test Results
  3.8  Advantages and Limitations of Visual Testing

  3.9  Standards, Codes, and Specifications
  3.10  Conclusions
4 Ultrasonic Testing Techniques for Nondestructive Evaluation of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Structures
  4.1  Introduction
  4.2  Operation and Variants of Ultrasonic NDT
  4.3  Types of Ultrasonic Waves
  4.4  Types of Ultrasonic Transducers
  4.5  Ultrasound Generation and Coupling with the Composite
  4.6  Ultrasonic NDT Instruments for Composites
  4.7  Ultrasonic NDT Methods for Composite Structures
  4.8  Applications of Ultrasonic Inspection of Composite Laminates
  4.9  Ultrasonic Inspection of Sandwich Structures
  4.10  Performance Comparison of Ultrasonic NDT
  4.11  Current Trends and Prospects of Ultrasonic NDT
  4.12  Advantages and Limitations of Ultrasonic NDT
  4.13  Conclusions
5 Infrared Thermography Testing and Evaluation of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials
  5.1  Introduction and History of IRT
  5.2  Generalities and Basic Concepts of IRT
  5.3  Thermal Properties of Materials
    5.3.1  Thermal Conductivity
    5.3.2  Thermal Diffusivity
    5.3.3  Thermal Effusivity
  5.4  InfraredMeasuring Devices
  5.5  Emissivity and Reflected Temperature Measurement
  5.6  Established IR Thermographic NDT Techniques
  5.7  Scanning IR Thermographic NDT
  5.8  Applications of IRT-NDT for Composite Structures
  5.9  Performance Comparison of IRT and Other NDT Techniques
  5.10  Current Trends and IRT Research Prospects
  5.11  Advantages and Limitations of Using IRT
  5.12  Conclusions
6 Terahertz Testing Technique for Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials
  6.1  Introduction and Background Information
  6.2  Terahertz Devices and Systems
  6.3  Imaging Theory and Procedures
  6.4  Applications of THz Systems to the Inspection of Fibrous Composites
  6.5  Specific Application of THz Systems for the Evaluation of Composite Structures
  6.6  Outlook on Possible Future Applications of the THz Systems
  6.7  Conclusions
7 Application of Acoustic Emission for the Inspection of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials
  7.1  Generalities
  7.2  Usage and History of AE
  7.3  Principle of Operation of an AE System
  7.4  AE Sensors Calibration and Coupling with Test Structure
  7.5  Sources of AE in Composite Materials

  7.6  Analysis Tools for AE Measurement Signals
  7.7  Applications in the Testing of Composite Structures
  7.8  Combination with Other NDE Techniques and Prospects
  7.9  Advantages and Limitations of AE Technique
  7.10  Current Trends and AE Standards
  7.11  Conclusions
8 Other NDT Methods for Fiber-Reinforced Composite
  8.1  Introduction
  8.2  Vibration Testing
  8.3  Strain Monitoring
  8.4  Electrical Testing
  8.5  Ground—Penetrating Radar,Microwave,and Millimeter Waves
    8.5.1  Ground—Penetrating Radar Inspection Technique
    8.5.2  Microwave(MW)Testing Technique
    8.5.3  Millimeter Waves(mmW)Testing Technique
  8.6  Optical Interferometric Techniques
  8.7  Radiography and Tomography
    8.7.1  Backscattered X-ray Imaging
    8.7.2  X-ray Computed Tomography Imaging
    8.7.3  Neutron Imaging Technique
    8.7.4  Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technique
  8.8  Conclusions
9 Conclusions.Current Developments,and Prospects in the NDT of Fiber-Reinforced Composites
  9.1  Conclusions
  9.2  Current Developments in the NDT of Fiber-Reinforced Composites
  9.3  Prospects in the NDT of Fiber—Reinforced Composites

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