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  • 作者:Ruilin ZHU//Guolin ZHU//Zhaoyang LIU
  • 出版社:科學
  • ISBN:9787030781260
  • 出版日期:2024/01/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:350
人民幣:RMB 268 元      售價:


Ruilin ZHU//Guolin ZHU//Zhaoyang LIU

CHAPTER 1 Study on Elastic-Plastic Mechanical Stresses in Cylindrical Pressure Vessels
  1.1  Introduction
  1.2  Studies of Elastic Stresses
  1.3  Analysis of Elastic-Plastic Stresses
  1.4  Chapter Summary
CHAPTER 2 Mechanical Autofrettage Technology Based on Tresca Yield Criterion
  2.1  General Study on Mechanical Autofrettage Technology
    2.1.1  In General Forms
    2.1.2  The Critical Radius Ratio
    2.1.3  The Optimum Plastic Depth k?*(k? is Written as kg*)
    2.1.4  The Results When kj= kj
  2.2  Mechanical Autofrettage Technology Under Entire Yield State
  2.3  Mechanical Autofrettage Technology with Radius of Elastic-Plastic Juncture Being Arithmetic Mean Value of Inside Radius and Outside Radius
  2.4  Mechanical Autofrettage Technology with Radius of Elastic-Plastic Juncture Being Geometrical Mean Value of Inside Radius and Outside Radius
  2.5  Mechanical Autofrettage Technology with Minimum Equivalent Total Stress on Elastic-Plastic Juncture
  2.6  Comparison Between Three Cases
  2.7  Chapter Summary
CHAPTER 3 Mechanical Autofrettage Technology Based on Mises Yield Criterion
  3.1  General Study on Mechanical Autofrettage Technology … 83
    3.1.1  In General Forms
    3.1.2  The Critical Radius Ratio
    3.1.3  The Optimum Plastic Depth kj*(kg is Written as kj*)
    3.1.4  The Results When k?= k?·or k2lnk2-k2-k2+2=0
  3.2  Mechanical Autofrettage Technology Under Entire Yield State
    3.2.1  The Residual Stresses
    3.2.2  The Total Stresses
  3.3  Mechanical Autofrettage Technology with Radius of Elastic-Plastic Juncture Being Arithmetic Mean Value of Inside Radius and Outside Radius
  3.4  The Solutions with Radius of Elastic-Plastic Juncture Being Geometrical Mean Value of Inside Radius and Outside Radius
  3.5  The Solutions with Minimum Equivalent Total Stress on Elastic-Plastic Juncture
  3.6  Comparison Between the Three Cases
    3.6.1  k=2.5> kc
    3.6.2  k=2  3.7  Chapter Summary
CHAPTER 4 Mechanical Autofrettage Technology by Limiting Circumferential Residual Stress Based on Mises Yield Criterion
  4.1  The Optimum Plastic Depth When Circumferential Residual Stress on the Inside Surface Controlled
  4.2  The Distribution of Residual Stresses When Circumferential Residual Stress on the Inside Surface Controlled
    4.2.1  General Discussion
    4.2.2  The Residual Stresses for Entire Yield
    4.2.3  The Residual Stresses with Radius of Elastic-Plastic Juncture Being Arithmetic Mean Value of Inside Radius and Outside Radius
    4.2.4  The Residual Stresses with Radius of Elastic-Plastic Juncture Being Geometrical Mean Value of Inside Radius and Outside Radius
    4.2.5  The Residual Stresses When Equivalent Total Stress on Elastic-Plastic Juncture is the Minimum
  4.3  The Total Stresses and the Load-Bearing Capacity When Circumferential Residual Stress on the In
  5.1  Introduction
  5.2  The Optimum Plastic Depth
  5.3  Analysis of Residual Stresses Under the Optimum Plastic Depth
  5.4  Analysis of the Stresses Caused by Internal Pressure and Total Stresses
  5.5  Analysis of the Effect of Load Ratio(λ)and Plastic Depth(kju)
  5.6  Analysis of Load-Bearing Capacity
    5.6.1  Based on Tresca Yield Criterion
    5.6.2  Based on Mises Yield Criterion
  5.7  Chapter Summary
CHAPTER 6 Summary of Implement Methods and Their Characteristics of Mechanical and Thermal Autofrettage Technology
  6.1  Implement Methods and Characteristics of Mechanical Autofrettage Technology
  6.2  Implement Methods and Characteristics of Thermal Autofrettage Technology
CHAPTER 7 Thermal Autofrettage Technology Based on Tresca Yield Criterion
  7.1  Introduction
  7.2  Derivation of Thermal Stresses
  7.3  The Characteristics of the Thermal Stresses
  7.4  The Analysis of Total Stresses and Investigation of Optimum Operation Conditions
  7.5  Examples
  7.6  The Total Stresses Under Optimum Operation Conditions
  7.7  Chapter Summary
CHAPTER 8 Thermal Autofrettage Technology Based on Mises Yield Criterion
  8.1  The Analysis of Thermal Stresses
  8.2  The Analysis of Total Stresses and Investigation of Optimum Operation Conditions
  8.3  Examples
  8.4  Chapter Summary

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