幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:邱曉紅//吳凱//丁銀環|責編:邢有濤//劉靜雯
  • 出版社:中國財富
  • ISBN:9787504780089
  • 出版日期:2023/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:498
人民幣:RMB 69.8 元      售價:



Module 1 Identification of Horticultural Insects
  Task 1 Identification of Morphological Characteristics of Insects
  Task 2 Biological Characteristics of Insects
  Task 3 Identification of Key Groups of Horticultural Insects
Module 2 Identification and Diagnosis of Horticultural Plant Diseases
  Task 1 Identification of Symptoms of Horticultural Plant Diseases
  Task 2 Identification of Fungal Taxa of Horticultural Plant Pathogens
  Task 3 Identification of Other Groups of Horticultural Plant Pathogens
  Task 4 Diagnosis of Horticultural Plant Diseases
Module 3 Scientific Use of Pesticides
  Task 1 Selection of Appropriate Pesticides
  Task 2 The Dilution and Preparation of Pesticide
  Task 3 Proper Application of Pesticides
  Task 4 Pesticide Field Efficacy Test
Module 4 Field Investigation, Forecast, and Integrated Control Plan for Horticultural Plant Diseases and Pests
  Task 1 Techniques for Horticultural Plant Diseases and Pests Investigation
  Task 2 Prediction and Forecast of Horticultural Plant Diseases and Pests
  Task 3 Development of Integrated Control Plan for Diseases and Pests
Module 5 Integrated Control Techniques for Horticultural Plant Diseases and Pests
  Task 1 Techniques for Diseases and Pests Control of Cruciferous Vegetables
  Task 2 Techniques for Diseases and Pests Control of Solanaceous Vegetables
  Task 3 Techniques for Diseases and Pests Control of Cucurbitaceous Vegetables
  Task 4 Techniques for Diseases and Pests Control of Fabaceae and other Vegetables
  Task 5 Techniques for Control of Fruit Trees Leaf Diseases
  Task 6 Techniques of Control for Stem Diseases of Fruit Tree
  Task 7 Techniques of Control for Fruit Diseases of Fruit Tree
  Task 8 Techniques for Control of Fruit Borers
  Task 9 Techniques for Control of Foliar Pests
  Task 10 Techniques for Control of Phloem-Sucking Pests
  Task 11 Techniques for Control of Trunk Borers
  Task 12 Techniques for Control of Underground Pests

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