幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:黃皓|責編:王悅生|總主編:張廷佺//齊偉鈞
  • 出版社:上海大學
  • ISBN:9787567149113
  • 出版日期:2024/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:248
人民幣:RMB 48 元      售價:



Unit One  I Love Cities
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Phonetic Point 1: Vowel
  Sentence Rewriting 1: Relative Clause
Unit Two  This Little Light of Yours
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Grammatical Point 1: Word-formation
Unit Three  Summer with Grandmother
  Oral Expression
  VocabuLary Preview
  Phonetic Point 2: Consonant
  Sentence Rewriting 2: Participle
Unit Four  A Study Finds More Links between TV and Violence
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Grammatical Point 2: Continuous Aspect
Unit Five  What Your Body Language Says about You (I)
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Phonetic Point 3: Pronunciation of -s/-es and -ed Suffixes
  Sentence Rewriting 3: Appositive
Unit Six  What Your Body Language Says about You (II)
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Grammatical Point 3: Perfect Aspect

Unit Seven  Money for Morality
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Phonetic Point 4: Syllable and Word Stress
  Sentence Rewriting 4: Absolute
Unit Eight  On Becoming a Writer
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Grammatical Point 4: Passive Voice
Unit Nine  When Sadness is a Good Thing
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Phonetic Point 5: Stress of Bisyllabic and Polysyllabic Words
  Sentence Rewriting 5: Infinitive
Unit Ten  Horse Disaster
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Grammatical Point 5: Subjunctive Mood
Unit Eleven  The Power of Habit
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview
  Phonetic Point 6: Pronunciation and Word-formation
  Sentence Rewriting 6: Prepositional Phrase
Unit Twelve  Can Humanity Grow up?
  Oral Expression
  Vocabulary Preview

  Grammatical Point 6: Infinitive
Appendix  Key to Sentenee Rewriting and Exercises

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