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  • 作者:編者:駱蓉//文曉華|責編:倪雅莉
  • 出版社:清華大學
  • ISBN:9787302628095
  • 出版日期:2024/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:258
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:

    本教材共有10個章節,分別介紹了英語的歷史與當代發展、英國國家概況、美國國家概況、英美歷史與社會變遷、英美政治制度特徵、英美教育體系與知名高校、英美傳統與新媒體文化、英美美食風格與類別、英美藝術流派與特色、英美節日文化與對比等內容。每章包含Text A、Text B、Text C三篇課文,分為課前預習、課中閱讀、課後思考三個教學環節。此外,學生可以在課後掃描二維碼,獲取Text D及音視頻資源,促進對每個章節的全面理解。本教材另配有練習答案和PPT教學課件,可登錄「清華社英語在線」進行下載。


Chapter 1  English as a Lingua Franca
  Text A  English as a Lingua Franca
  Text B  A Brief History of the English Language
  Text C  British English and American English
  Supplementary Resources
Chapter 2  The UK: A Country of Countries
  Text A  A Brief Introduction to the UK
  Text B  England and Its Cultural Heritages
  Text C  Scotland: A Country on the Highlands
  Supplementary Resources
Chapter 3  The US: A Country of Cultural Diversity
  Text A  A Brief Introduction to the US
  Text B  Landmarks in the US
  Text C  Mirrors of a Country: Cities in the US
  Supplementary Resources
Chapter 4  Great Events of the UK and the US: Legends in History
  Text A  Upsand Downs of British History Before
  Text B  The Rise and Fallofthe British Empire
  Text C  Four Colonial Patterns Founded in the New World
  Supplementary Resources
Chapter 5  Political Systems in the UK and the US
  Text A  The Political System in the UK
  Text B  The Royal Family in the UK
  Text C  The Political System in the US
  Supplementary Resources
Chapter 6  An Overview of Education in the UK and the US
  Text A  An Introduction to the Education Systems in the UK and the US
  Text B  A Glimpse of Famous Universities in the UKand the US
  Text C  How to Apply to Universities Overseas
  Supplementary Resources
Chapter 7  Public Media in the UK and the US
  Text A  Print Media: Newspapers and Magazines in the UK and the US
  Text B  Broadcast Media: Radio and TVin the UKand the US
  Text C  Digital Media in the UKand the US
  Supplementary Resources
Chapter 8  A Culinary Adventure of the UK and the US
  Text A  Traditional Food in the UK
  Text B  An Introduction to the Tea Culture in the UK
  Text C  Facts About Fast Food in the US
  Supplementary Resources
Chapter 9  Arts in the UK and the US
  Text A  Architectural Styles in the UKand the US
  Text B  Paintings in the UKand the US
  Text C  Getting to Know About Pop Art in the UK and the US
  Supplementary Resources
Chapter 10  Festivals and Holidays in the UK and the US
  Text A  Three Common Public Holidays in the UKand the US
  Text B  Memorable Days in the US
  Text C  Typical British Holidays: In Memory of the Saints
  Supplementary Resources

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