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  • 作者:Nkolo Fo?//Li Xinfeng|責編:郭曼曼|譯者:Yang Qiong
  • 出版社:中國社科
  • ISBN:9787522723327
  • 出版日期:2024/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:166
人民幣:RMB 58 元      售價:


Nkolo Fo?//Li Xinfeng|責編:郭曼曼|譯者:Yang Qiong

Chapter I Overview of the Control of Infectious Disease in Africa
  I. History and Current Status of Health Systems in Africa
  II. Characteristics of African Infectious Disease Control Systems
  III. Existing Problems in Combating Infectious Diseases in Africa
Chapter II Major Infectious Diseases in Africa and Prevention and Control Measures
  I. Types of Major Infectious Diseases in Africa
  II. Measures to Combat Major Infectious Diseases in Africa
Chapter III Proposal for Infectious Disease Control and Health Cooperation in North and West Africa
  I. Proposal for Combating Infectious Diseases and Health Cooperation in Algeria
  II. Proposal for Combating Infectious Diseases and Health Cooperation in Guinea
Chapter IV Proposal for Infectious Disease Control and Health Cooperation in Central and Eastern Africa
  I. Proposal for Infectious Disease Control and Health Cooperation in the DRC
  II. Proposal for Infectious Disease Control and Healtt Cooperation in Tanzania
Chapter V Proposal for Infectious Disease Control and Health Cooperation in Southern Africa
  I. History and Overview of the South African Healthcare System
  II. Status and Characteristics of Infectious Disease Control in South Africa
  III. Problems with Infectious Disease Control in South Africa
  IV.Proposal for Medical and Health Cooperation between China and South Africa
Chapter VI Overview of Medical and Health Cooperation between China and Africa
  I. History and Current Status of China-Africa Medical and Health Cooperation
  II. Form and Content of China-Africa Medical and Health Cooperation
  III. Features of China-Africa Medical and Health Cooperation
  IV. Achievements in China-Africa Medical and Health Cooperation
Chapter VII Proposal for China-Africa Medical and Health Cooperation
  I. Strengthening Systematic Strategic Planning and Promoting the Belt and Road Infrastructure Construction with Medical Assistance to Africa as an Opportunity
  II. Further Improvement of the System and Mechanism of Medical and Health Assistance to Africa
  III. Promoting the Diversification of Participating Actors in Medical Assistance to Africa
  IV. Helping African Countries to Establish a Sound Public Health Service System and Actively Disseminate China's Experience in Healthcare
  V. Strengthening of Cooperation in the Field of Traditional Chinese and African Medicines and Promotion of these Medicines in Africain order to Bring these Medicines
  Out of Marginality Compared to Western Medicine
  VI. Enhancing the Overall Visibility of China's Medical and Health Assistance to Africa
  VII. General Conclusion

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