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  • 作者:編者:徐營//常慶糧//柏建彪|責編:陳紅梅
  • 出版社:中國礦大
  • ISBN:9787564657628
  • 出版日期:2023/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:279
人民幣:RMB 52 元      售價:

    Taking the form of underground space utilization as the main line,this book introduces planning,design,construction and operation of urban underground transportation(subway,urban underground road,underground parking lot,underground comprehensive pipe gallery,underground logistics system),underground public buildings(underground culture and sport room,underground commercial street,underground complex),underground storage(underground foodstorage,underground oil storage,underground gas storage,geological repository for high—level radioactive waste,geologieal storage for carbon dioxide).It also introduces the improvement and development trend of development and utilizationof underground space.
    This book can be used as a textbook for undergraduates in mining engineering,civil engineering and other majors incolleges and university and as a reference for relevant personnel engaged in underground engineering.


The 1st Part  Urban Underground Transportation
  Chapter 1  Subway
    1.1  Overview of subway
    1.2  Development and operation of subway
    1.3  Advantages and disadvantages of subway
  Chapter 2  Urban Underground Road
    2.1  Overview of urban underground road
    2.2  Development and operation of urban underground road
    2.3  Advantages of urban underground road
  Chapter 3  Underground Parking Lot
    3.1  Overview of underground parking lot
    3.2  Types of underground parking lot
    3.3  Development of underground parking lot
  Chapter 4  Underground Pedestrian Passage
    4.1  Types of underground pedestrian passage
    4.2  Development of cross-street underground passage
    4.3  Development of pedestrian underground connecting passage
  Chapter 5  Underground Comprehensive Pipe Gallery
    5.1  Overview of underground comprehensive pipe gallery
    5.2  Development and operation of underground comprehensive pipe gallery
    5.3  Advantages and disadvantages of underground comprehensive pipe gallery
    5.4  Design of sponge city
  Chapter 6  Underground Logistics System
    6.1  Overview of underground logistics system
    6.2  Development and operation of underground logistics system
    6.3  Advantages of underground logistics system
The 2nd Part  Underground Public Building
  Chapter 7  Underground Culture and Sport Room
    7.1 Overview of underground culture and sport room
    7.2  Design of underground culture and sport room
  Chapter 8  Underground Commercial Street
    8.1  Overview of underground commercial street
    8.2  Types of underground commercial street
    8.3  Development of underground commercial street
  Chapter 9  Underground Complex
    9.1  Overview of underground complex
    9.2  Types of underground complex
    9.3  Development of underground complex
The 3rd Part  Underground Storage
  Chapter 10  Underground Food Storage
    10.1  Overview of underground food storage
    10.2  Cases and design of underground grain storage
    10.3  Cases and design of underground cold storage
  Chapter 11  Underground Oil Storage
    11.1  Overview of underground oil storage
    11.2  Development of underground water-sealed oil storage
    11.3  Development of underground salt cavern oil storage
    11.4  Advantages and disadvantages of underground oil storage
  Chapter 12  Underground Gas Storage
    12.1  Overview of underground gas storage

    12.2  Types and history of underground gas storage
    12.3  Operation of underground gas storage
    12.4  Key development technology of underground gas storage
    12.5  Development trend of underground gas storage
  Chapter 13  Geological Repository for High-level Radioactive Waste
    13.1  Overview of geological repository for high-level radioactive waste
    13.2  Conceptual design of geological repository for high-level radioactive waste
    13.3  Safety characteristics of geological repository for high-level radioactive waste  
    13.4  Underground laboratory of geological repository for high-level radioactive waste
  Chapter 14  Geological Storage for Carbon Dioxide
    14.1  Overview of geological storage for carbon dioxide
    14.2  Geological storage mechanism for carbon dioxide
    14.3  Potential evaluation of geological storage for carbon dioxide
    14.4  Implementation process of geological storage for carbon dioxide
    14.5  Risk analysis of geological storage for carbon dioxide
The 4th Part  Improvement and Development
  Chapter 15  Deficiency and Improvement of Development and Utilization of
    Underground Space
    15.1  Deficiency and improvement of planning aspect
    15.2  Deficiency and improvement of design aspect
    15.3  Deficiency and improvement of financial aspect
    15.4  Deficiency and improvement of management aspect
    15.5  Deficiency and improvement of laws and regulations aspect
  Chapter 16  Development Trend of Development and Utilization of Underground Space
    16.1  Green development trend
    16.2  Intelligent development trend
    16.3  Humane development trend

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