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  • 作者:編者:新絲路中文+職業技能系列教材編寫委員會|責編:王巧燕//李金梅
  • 出版社:北京語言大學
  • ISBN:9787561964248
  • 出版日期:2023/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:156
人民幣:RMB 98 元      售價:



第一單元  酒店設施
  第一部分  課文Texts
    三、視聽說Viewing,Listening and Speaking
    四、學以致用Practicing What You Have Learnt
  第二部分  漢字Chinese Characters
    一、漢字知識Knowledge about Chinese Characters
    1.漢字的筆畫(1)Strokes ofChinese characters(1)
    2.漢字的筆順(1)Stroke orders ofChinese characters(1)
    先橫后豎Horizontal strokes before vertical strokes
    先撇后捺Left—falling strokes before right—falling strokes
    二、漢字認讀與書寫The Recognition and Writing of Chinese Characters
  第三部分  日常用語Daily Expressions
  第四部分  單元實訓Unit Practical Training
    模擬介紹酒店設施Simulated Introduction to Hotel Facilities
  第五部分  單元小結Unit Summary
第二單元  團隊入住登記
  第一部分  課文Texts
    三、視聽說Viewing,Listening and Speaking
    四、學以致用Practicing What You Have Leamt
  第二部分  漢字Chinese Characters
    一、漢字知識Knowledge about Chinese Characters
    1.漢字的筆畫(2)Strokes of Chinese characters(2)
    2.漢字的筆順(2)Stroke orders ofChinese characters(2)
    先上後下Upper strokes before lower strokes
    先左後右Left-side strokes before right—side strokes
    二、漢字認讀與書寫TheRecognition andWriting ofChineseCharacters
  第三部分  日常用語Daily Expressions
  第四部分  單元實訓Unit Practical Training
    模擬辦理團體入住Simulated Group Check-in
  第五部分  單元小結Unit Summary
第三單元  調換房間
  第一部分  課文Texts
    三、視聽說Viewing,Listening and Speaking
    四、學以致用Practicing WhatYou Have Learnt
  第二部分  漢字Chinese Characters
    一、漢字知識Knowledge about Chinese Characters
    1.漢字的筆畫(3)Strokes of Chinese characters(3)
    2.漢字的筆順(3)Stroke orders ofChinese characters(3)
    先中間后兩邊Strokes in the middle before those on both sides
    先外邊后裡邊Outside strokes before inside strokes
    二、漢字認讀與書寫The Recognition and Writing ofChinese Characters

  第三部分  日常用語Daily Expressions
  第四部分  單元實訓Unit Practical Training
    模擬調換房間Simulated Room into Another Changing
  第五部分  單元小結Unit Summary
第四單元  續住服務
  第一部分  課文Texts
    三、視聽說Viewing,Listening and Speaking
    四、學以致用Practicing What You Have Leamt
  第二部分  漢字Chinese Characters
    一、漢字知識Knowledge about Chinese Characters
    1.漢字的筆畫(4)Strokes ofChinese characters(4)
    2.漢字的筆順(4)Stroke orders of Chinese characters(4)
    先外后里再封口Outside strokes before inside strokes,and then sealing strokes
    二、漢字認讀與書寫TheRecognition andWriting ofChineseCharacters
  第三部分  日常用語Daily Expressions
  第四部分  單元實訓Unit Practical Training
    模擬續住服務Simulated Extended.Stay Service
  第五部分  單元小結Unit Summary
第五單元  行李服務
  第一部分  課文Texts
    三、視聽說Viewing,Listening and Speaking
  第二部分  漢字Chinese Characters
    一、漢字知識Knowledge about Chinese Characters
    1.漢字的筆畫(5)Strokes of Chinese characters(5)
    2.漢字的結構(1)Structures of Chinese characters(1)
    獨體結構Independent structure
    二、漢字認讀與書寫TheRecognition andWriting ofChineseCharacters
  第三部分  日常用語Daily Expressions
  第四部分  單元實訓Unit Practical Training
    模擬行李服務Simulated Luggage Service
  第五部分  單元小結Unit Summary
第六單元  網路服務
  第一部分  課文Texts
    三、視聽說Viewing,Listening and Speaking
    四、學以致用Practicing What You Have Leamt
  第二部分  漢字Chinese Characters
    一、漢字知識Knowledge about Chinese Characters
    1.漢字的筆畫(6)Strokes ofChinese characters(6)
    2.漢字的結構(2)Structures of Chinese characters(2)
    品字形結構 品-shaped structure

    二、漢字認讀與書寫The Recognition and Writing ofChinese Characters
  第三部分  日常用語Daily Expressions
  第四部分  單元實訓Unit Practical Training
    模擬涌店無線網路服務Simulated Hotel Wi-Fi Service
  第五部分  單元小結Unit Summary
第七單元  房內用餐服務
  第一部分  課文Texts
    三、視聽說Viewing,Listening and Speaking
    四、學以致用PracticingWhatYouHave Learnt
  第二部分  漢字Chinese Characters
    一、漢字知識Knowledge about Chinese Characters
    1.漢字的筆畫(7)Strokes ofChinese characters(7)
    2.漢字的結構(3)Structures ofChinese characters(3)
    上下結構Top-bouom structure
    上中下結構Top-middle.bosom structure
    二、漢字認讀與書寫The Recognition and Writing of Chinese Characters
  第三部分  日常用語Daily Expressions
  第四部分  單元實訓Unit Practical Training
    模擬房內用餐服務Simulated In—room Dining Service
  第五部分  單元小結Unit Summary
第八單元  租借物品服務
  第一部分  課文Texts
    三、視聽說Viewing,Listening and Speaking
    四、學以致用Practicing What You Have Learnt
  第二部分  漢字Chinese Characters
    一、漢字知識Knowledge about Chinese Characters
    1.漢字的筆畫(8)Strokes ofChinese characters(8)
    2.漢字的結構(4)Structures of Chinese characters(4)
    左右結構Left-right structure
    左中右結構Left-middle-right structure
    二、漢字認讀與書寫TheRecognition andWriting ofChineseCharacters
  第三部分  日常用語Daily Expressions
  第四部分  單元實訓Unit Practical Training
    模擬酒店相借物品服務Simulated Rental Service in a Hotel
  第五部分  單元小結Unit Summary
第九單元  城市及旅遊信息服務
  第一部分  課文Texts
    三、視聽說Viewing,Listening and Speaking
    叫、學以致用Practicing WhatYou Have Learnt
  第二部分  漢字Chinese Characters
    1.漢字的筆畫(9)Strokes of Chinese characters(9)

    2.漢字的結構(5)Structures of Chinese characters(5)
    全包圍結構Fully-enclosed structure
    半包圍結構Semi—enclosed structure
    二、漢字認讀與書寫The Recognition and Writing ofChinese Characters
  第三部分  日常用語Daily Expressions
  第四部分  單元實訓Unit Practical Training
    模擬城市及旅遊信息服務Simulated City and Tourism Information Service
  第五部分  單元小結Unit Summary
第十單元  團隊退房服務
  第一部分  課文Texts
    三、視聽說Viewing,Listening and Speaking
  第二部分  漢字Chinese Characters
    一、漢字知識Knowledge about Chinese Characters
    1.漢字的筆畫(總表)Strokes ofChinese characters(general table)
    2.漢字的筆順(總表)Stroke orders ofChinese characters(general table)
    3.漢字的結構(總表)Structures of Chinese characters(general table)
    二、漢字認讀與書寫The Recognition and Writing of Chinese Characters
  第三部分  日常用語Daily Expressions
  第四部分  單元實訓 Unit Practical Training
    模擬酒店團隊退房服務Simulated Group Check—out Service in a Hotel
  第五部分單元小結Unit Summary
  日常用語Daily Expressions
  視頻腳本Video Scripts
  參考答案Reference Answers

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