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  • 作者:編者:李芳|責編:白周兵|總主編:黃立鶴//吳贇
  • 出版社:清華大學
  • ISBN:9787302648772
  • 出版日期:2024/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:285
人民幣:RMB 79 元      售價:



Unit 1  History of Medicine
  Part 1  Academic Horizon
    An Introduction to the History of Medicine
  Part 2  Thematic Reading
    The First Heart Transplant
  Part 3  Extended Reading
Unit 2  Philosophy of Medicine
  Part 1  Academic Horizon
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Medicine
  Part 2  Thematic Reading
    Disease and Health
  Part 3  Extended Reading
Unit 3  Bioethics
  Part 1  Academic Horizon
    Institutionalization of Bioethics
  Part 2  Thematic Reading
    Ethical Issues in Assisted Reproductive Medicine
  Part 3  Extended Reading
    Medical Professionalism in the New Millennium: A Physician Charter
Unit 4  Medical Sociology
  Part 1  Academic Horizon
    An Introduction to Medical Sociology
  Part 2  Thematic Reading
  Part 3  Extended Reading
Unit 5  Medical Anthropology
  Part 1  Academic Horizon
    An Introduction to Medical Anthropology
  Part 2  Thematic Reading
  Part 3  Extended Reading
    Culture and Health
Unit 6  Medical Education
  Part 1  Academic Horizon
    The Birth of Learned Medicine
  Part 2  Thematic Reading
    Competency-based Medical Education
  Part 3  Extended Reading
    Medical Education Since World War I: Advances and Challenges
Unit 7  Narrative Medicine
  Part 1  Academic Horizon
    An Introduction to Narrative Medicine
  Part 2  Thematic Reading
    Why Narrative Medicine Is Committed to Close Reading
  Part 3  Extended Reading
    A Place of Memory and Learning
Unit 8  Lerature, Arts, and Medicine
  Part  1  Academic Horizon

    An Introduction to Literature, Arts, and Medicine
  Part  2  Thematic Reading
    Indian Camp
  Part 3  Extended Reading
    The Doctor Writer: Richard Selzer
Unit 9  New Media and Medicine
  Part 1  Academic Horizon
    An Introduction to E-health
  Part 2  Thematic Reading
    The Doctor, the Patient, and the World Wide Web: How the Internet Is Changing Health Care
  Part 3  Extended Reading
    Social Media and Medicine
Unit 10  Doctor-patient Communication
  Part 1Academic Horizon
    Doctor-patient Communication: A Review
  Part 2  Thematic Reading
    The Use of "Force"
  Part 3  Extended Reading
    Specific Goals and Strategies of Communicating with Patients
Unit 11  Palliative Care
  Part 1  Academic Horizon
    An Introduction to Palliative Care
  Part 2  Thematic Reading
    A Personal Therapeutic Journey
  Part 3  Extended Reading
    The Challenge of Knowing
Unit 12 Health Literacy
  Part 1  Academic Horizon
    An Introduction to Health Literacy
  Part 2  Thematic Reading
    Health Literacy in Primary Care Practice
  Part 3  Extended Reading
    E-health Literacy in Older Adults

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