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  • 作者:編者:趙連振//張桂軍|責編:張淑文
  • 出版社:南京大學
  • ISBN:9787305273704
  • 出版日期:2024/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:249
人民幣:RMB 45 元      售價:



Part One  English Vocabulary Knowledge Breadth and Depth
  Introduction:Dimensions of English Vocabulary Knowledge
Unit 1 Knowledge of English Vocabulary Breadth
  Pre-Class Reading
  1.1  The need of a wide range of vocabulary
  1.2  Vocabulary breadth and English vocabulary learning goal
  1.3  Vocabulary types and English vocabulary breadth
  Reviewing Exercises
  Vocabulary Tips for English Writing(英語寫作的辭彙技巧)
  English Vocabulary in Real Life(生活中的英語辭彙學)
  Learn English Vocabulary with Dictionaries(巧用詞典學辭彙)
Unit 2 Knowledge of the Form of English Vocabulary(Ⅰ)
    Pre-Class Reading
  2.1  Morphology and the internal structure of words
  2.2  Notions of morphological formation
  2.3  Learning English words through morphology
  Reviewing Exercises
  Vocabulary Tips for English Writing(英語寫作的辭彙技巧)
  English Vocabulary in Real Life(生活中的英語辭彙學)
  Learn English Vocabulary with Dictionaries(巧用詞典學辭彙)
Unit 3 Knowledge of the Form of English Vocabulary(Ⅱ) Pre-Class Reading
  3.1  Major ways of English word-formation
  3.2  Minor ways of English word-formation
  Reviewing Exercises
  Vocabulary Tips for English Writing(英語寫作的辭彙技巧)
  English Vocabulary in Real Life(生活中的英語辭彙學)
  Learn English Vocabulary with Dictionaries(巧用詞典學辭彙)
Unit 4 Knowledge of the Origin of English Vocabulary(Ⅰ):Anglo-Saxon and French Elements
  Pre-Class Reading
  4.1  The sources of English vocabulary
  4.2  Native English words and their Anglo-Saxon character
  4.3  French loanwords and the lexical conquest
  Reviewing Exercises
  Vocabulary Tips for English Writing(英語寫作的辭彙技巧)
  English Vocabulary in Real Life(生活中的英語辭彙學)
  Learn English Vocabulary with Dictionaries(巧用詞典學辭彙)
Unit 5 Knowledge of the Origin of English Vocabulary(Ⅱ):Greek and Latin Elements
  Pre-Class Reading
  5.1  General remarks about Latin and Greek elements in English
  5.2  English words that originate in Greco-Roman mythology
  5.3  English academic words borrowed from Latin and Greek
  Reviewing Exercises
  Vocabulary Tips for English Writing(英語寫作的辭彙技巧)
  English Vocabulary in Real Life(生活中的英語辭彙學)
  Learn English Vocabulary with Dictionaries(巧用詞典學辭彙)
Unit 6 Knowledge of the Meaning of English Vocabulary(Ⅰ):Semantic Relafions
  Pre-Class Reading
  6.1  Semantic field
  6.2  Hyponymy

Part Two  Western Culture and English Vocabulary
Appendix 1:Vocabulary and Success
Appendix 2:A Classification of Common English Roots and Affixes

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