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  • 作者:編者:于斌//程建川|責編:宋華莉
  • 出版社:東南大學
  • ISBN:9787576609431
  • 出版日期:2024/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:385
人民幣:RMB 98 元      售價:



Chapter 1 Introduction
  1.1  Introduction to roadway transportation
  1.2  Introduction to road development in China
  1.3  Classifications and technicaI standards of roads
    1.3.1  Classifications of roads
    1.3.2  Function systems and classifications of roads
    1.3.3  Control elements of road design
    1.3.4  Understanding and application of technical standards
  1.4  Procedures of road survey and design
Chapter 2 Horizontal Aligmnent Design
  2.1  Introduction
    2.1.1  Elements of horizontal alignment
  2.2  Tangent
    2.2.1  Minimum length of tangents
    2.2.2  Maximum length of tangents
  2.3  Circular curve
    2.3.1  Radius of circular curves
    2.3.2  Calculation of the circular curve
  2.4  Transition curve
    2.4.1  Form of transition curves
    2.4.2  Length of the transition curve
    2.4.3  Calculation of the transition curve
    2.4.4  Calculation of horizontal curves with the spiral
  2.5  Principle of horizontal alignment design
  2.6  Method of horizontal alignment design
    2.6.1  Tangent design method
    2.6.2  Curve design method
  2.7  Combination of horizontal alignment elements
    2.7.1  Combination of the tangent and the curve
    2.7.2  Combination of curves
  2.8  Deliverables of horizontal alignment design
    2.8.1  Table of tangents,curves,and intersection angles
    2.8.2  Table of coordinates by stakes
    2.8.3  Chart of horizontal alignment
Chapter 3 Vertical Ali舢nt DesigIl
  3.1  Introduction
  3.2  Grade design
    3.2.1  Grade design standards
    3.2.2  Requirement of grade design
  3.3  Vertical alignment design
    3.3.1  Concepts related to vertical alignment design
    3.3.2  Design standard of the vertical curve
    3.3.3  General requirements for vertical aligmnent design
    3.3.4  Design and calculation of the vertical alignment
  3.4  am ination of horizontal and vertical alignments
    3.4.1  Principles of the combination of horizontal and vertical alignments
    3.4.2  Types of combination of horizontal and vertical alignments
    3.4.3  Requirements for the combination
  3.5  Design method of the vertical alignment
    3.5.1  Requirements of the vertical alignment design

    3.5.2  Methods and Steps of Vertical Alignment Design
    3.5.3  Profile diagram
Chapter 4 Cross Section Design
  4.1  Cross section layout and form
    4.1.1  Layout and form of the highway cross section
    4.1.2  Layout and form of the urban road cross section
  4.2  Width of cross section components
    4.2.1  Width of the traveled way
    4.2.2  Width of the non-motor vehicle lane
    4.2.4  Width and layout of sidewalk
    4.2.5  Width of the shoulder
  4.3  Lane separator
    4.3.1  Application of the lane separator
    4.3.2  Function of the lane separator
    4.3.3  Width of the lane separator
  4.4  Rate of the cross slope and supereIevation
    4.4.1  Rate and form of the cross slope
    4.4.2  Road widening design
    4.4.3  Superelevation design
  4.5  Sight distance
    4.5.1  Type of sight distance
    4.5.2  Sight distance requirement
    4.5.3  Sight distance requirement on curves
  4.6  Cross section design and deliverable
    4.6.1  Subgrade design table
    4.6.2  Cross section design drawing
    4.6.3  Calculation and allocation of earthwork
Chapter 5 Route Selection and Alignment Location
  5.1  Introduction
  5.2 New concept and overall road design
    5.2.1  New concept of road design
    5.2.2  Overall design principles
    5.2.3  Main contents of the overall design
  5.3 Route selection
    5.3.1  General principles and requirements for highway route selection
    5.3.2  Steps and methods of route selection
    5.3.3  Route selection in the pre-feasibility study stage
    5.3.4  Case of scheme comparison
    5.3.5  Route selection in plain areas
    5.3.6  Route selection in mountainous areas
  5.4  AIignment location methods
Chapter 6 Intersection Design
  6.1  Analysis of traffic characteristics at intersections
  6.2 Type of intersection
    6.2.1  Classified by the traffic management mode
    6.2.2  Classified by number of intersecting roads
    6.2.3  Classified by the shape of intersection
    6.2.4  Classified by the channelization mode
  6.3 Principle and provision of intersection design
  6.4 Traffic organization at intersections

    6.4.1  Vehicle traffic organization
    6.4.2  Pedestrian traffic organization
    6.4.3  Non—motor vehicle traffic organization
  6.5 Geometric design of intersections
    6.5.1  Design factors of intersections
    6.5.2  Horizontal alignment design of intersections
    6.5.3  Vertical alignment design of intersections
    6.5.4  Profile design of intersections
    6.5.5  Intersection sight distance
    6.5.6  Turning roadway design
    6.5.7  Auxiliary lane design
    6.5.8  Traffic island design
  6.6 Roundabout design
    6.6.1  Central island design
    6.6.2  Rotary 1ane design
Chapter 7 Grade Separation and Interchange Design
  7.1  Introduction
    7.1.1  Definition of the grade separation
    7.1.2  Function and type of the grade separation
  7.2 Selection of the interchange configuration
    7.2.1  Factor influencing interchange configuration selection
    7.2.2  Principles of interchange configuration selection
    7.2.3  Commonly used interchange configurations
    7.2.4  Process of interchange configuration selection
  7.3 Interchange design
    7.3.1  Steps of interchange design
    7.3.2  Principles of interchange design
    7.3.3  Control elements on interchange design
    7.3.4  Ramp design
    7.3.5  Connection design
  7.4 Cases of interchange design
    7.4.1  Design of Caiyuanba Interchange in Chongqing
    7.4.2  Preliminary design of System Wangxing Interchange
    Reconstruction of Beijing-Shanghai Freeway
    7.4.3  Preliminary design of Nan jing Pusi Interchange Reconstruction
Chapter 8 Highway Traffic Engineering and Roadside Facilities
  8.1  Traffic safety facilities
    8.1.1  Traffic signs
    8.1.2  Traffic markings
    8.1.3  Guardrail
    8.1.4  Sight guidance facilities
    8.1.5  Anti—glare facilities
    8.1.6  Other traffic safety facilities
  8.2  Service facities
    8.2.1  Service area and parking area
    8.2.2  Coach station
  8.3  Management facilities
    8.3.1  Monitoring facilities
    8.3.2  Toll facilities
    8.3.3  Communication facilities

    8.3.4  Power supply and lighting facilities
    8.3.5  Management and maintenance facilities

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