幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(美)米拉·西塔拉姆//奧黛麗·聖約翰//傑西卡·西德曼|責編:劉家琳//李蘭靜
  • 出版社:哈爾濱工業大學
  • ISBN:9787576709414
  • 出版日期:2024/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:585
人民幣:RMB 120 元      售價:



  1 Overview and Preliminaries
    Meera Sitharam and Troy Baker
    1.1  Introduction
      1.1.1  Specifying a GCS
      1.1.2  Fundamental GCS Questions
      1.1.3  Tractability and Computational Complexity
    1.2  Parts and Chapters of the Handbook
      1.2.1  Part I:Geometric Reasoning Techniques
      1.2.2  Part II:Distance Geometry,Configuration Space,and Real Algebraic Ge-ometry Techniques
      1.2.3  Part III:Geometric Rigidity Techniques
      1.2.4  Part IV:Combinatorial Rigidity Techniques  Inductive Constructions  Body Frameworks  Body-Cad,and Point-Line Frameworks  Symmetric and Periodic Frameworks and Frameworks under Polyhedral Norms
      1.2.5  Missing Topics and Chapters
    1.3  Terminology Reconciliation and Basic Concepts
      1.3.1  Constrainedness
      1.3.2  Rigidity of Frameworks
      1.3.3  Generic Rigidity of Frameworks
      1.3.4  Approximate Degree-of-Freedom and Sparsity
    1.4  Alternative Pathway through the Book
I Geometric Reasoning,Factorization and Decomposition
  2 Computer-Assisted Theorem Proving in Synthetic Geometry Julien Narboux,Predrag Jani?i?,and Jacques Fleuriot
    2.1  Introduction
    2.2  Automated Theorem Proving
      2.2.1  Foundations
      2.2.2  Nondegenerate Conditions
      2.2.3  Purely Synthetic Methods  Early Systems  Deductive Database Method,GRAMY,and iGeoTutor  Logic-Based Approaches
      2.2.4  Semisynthetic Methods  Area Method  Full-Angle Method  Vector-Based Method  Mass-Point Method
      2.2.5  Prover s Implementations and Repositories of Theorems
    2.3  Interactive Theorem Proving
      2.3.1  Formalization of Foundations of Geometry  Hilbert's Geometry  Tarski』s Geometry  Axiom Systems and Continuity Properties  Other Axiom Systems and Geometries  Meta-Theory

      2.3.4  Verified Automated Reasoning
  3 Coordinate-Free Theorem Proving in Incidence Geometry
    J?rgen Richter-Gebert and Hongbo Li
    3.1  Incidence Geometry
      3.1.1  Incidence Geometry in the Plan e
      3.1.2  Other Primitive Operations
      3.1.3  Projective Invariance
    3.2  Bracket Algebra:Straightening,Division,and Final Polynomials
      3.2.1  Bracket Algebra and Straightening
      3.2.2  Division
      3.2.3  Final Polynomials
    3.3  Cayley Expansion and Factorization
      3.3.1  Cayley Expansion
      3.3.2  Cayley Factorization
      3.3.3  Cayley Expansion and Factorization in Geometric Theorem Proving
      3.3.4  Rational Invariants and Antisymmetrization
    3.4  Bracket Algebra for Euclidean Geometry
      3.4.1  The Points I and J
      3.4.2  Proving Euclidean Theorems
  4 Special Positions of Frameworks and the Grassmann-Cayley Algebra
    Jessica Sidman and William Traves
    4.1  Introduction:the Grassmann-Cayley Algebra and Frameworks
    4.2  Projective Space
      4.2.1  Motivation
      4.2.2  Homogeneous Coordinates and Points at Infinity
      4.2.3  Equations on Projective Space
      4.2.4  Duality Between Lines and Points in IP2
      4.2.5  Grassmannians and Pl?cker Coordinates
      4.2.6  More About Lines in 3-space
    4.3  The Bracket Algebra and Rings of Invariants
      4.3.1  Group Actions and Invariant Polynomials
      4.3.2  Relations Among the Brackets
    4.4  The Grassmann-Cayley Algebra
II Distance Geometry, Real Algebraic Geometry, and Configuration Spaces
III Geometric Rigidty
IV Combinatorial Rigidity

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