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  • 作者:編者:(韓)韓國NE能率株式會社|責編:趙清剛|譯者:陳暢
  • 出版社:浙江教育
  • ISBN:9787572264009
  • 出版日期:2023/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:198
人民幣:RMB 78 元      售價:



SECTION 01  Sports & Entertainment
  1  Dance Time for Rugby Players
  2  Come to Watch an Amazing Show
  3  Icarus Cup: Let』s Fly to the Sky
  4  No Team Can Keep It Forever
  1  Is This the Instrument I Know?
  2  All Were Painted by Monet!
  3  Paint with Moss?!
  4  Why It Has the Nickname
SECTION 03  Food
  1  Not All Mistakes Are Bad
  2  The Secret of the Colors in Restaurants
  3  A Guidebook from a Tire Company
  4  The Origin of Omelette
SECTION 04  Origins
  1  Is Clear Tape Related to Cars?
  2  Why Clock Hands Move to the Right
  3  Bread Shaped Like the Moon
  4  Show Me Your Right Hand
SECTION 05  Culture
  1  A Festival for Lopburi Monkeys
  2  Lifelike Figurines Out of Sugar
  3  Why They Jump Over the Broom
  4  Take a Look at the New Bridge in Spain
SECTION 06  Body & Health
  1  You Are Getting Shorter!?
  2  Is This Really My Voice?
  3  Why You Feel Sick While Watching a Movie
  4  Your Nose Helps You Taste
SECTION 07  Marketing
  1  A Recipe for You!
  2  Think Twice Before Shopping
  3  A Good Product Image Promotes Sales
  4  What Attracts You to a Restaurant?
SECTION 08  Nature & Environment
  1  Trees Also Keep a Diary
  2  The Amazing Insect World
  3  The Sparkling Beach
  4  Great Changes in Curitiba
SECTION 09  Fashion
  1  What Is the Small Triangle for?
  2  The Earliest Fashion Magazine
  3  Personal Shoppers Can Help You
  4  Tax Needed for Growing a Beard
SECTION 10  Psychology
  1  Small Requests Lead to a Big One
  2  Do You Feel Lonely Online?
  3  Wait! They Are Conflicting!
  4  The More Positive, the Happier

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