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  • 作者:編者:李賢英|責編:滿悅芝
  • 出版社:化學工業
  • ISBN:9787122444288
  • 出版日期:2024/02/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:209
人民幣:RMB 49.8 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Experimental Research Method of Chemical Engineering Principle
  1.1  Dimensional analysis
  1.2  Mathematical model method
  1.3  The direct experiment method
  1.4  Cold-model experiment method
Chapter 2  Experiment of Chemical Engineering Principle
  Experiment 1  Reynolds experiment
  Experiment 2  Bernoulli equation experiment
  Experiment 3  Comprehensive experiment of fluid mechanics
    Experiment 3.1  Determination of the pipeline fluid resistance
    Experiment 3.2  Calibration of orifice meter and Venturi meter
    Experiment 3.3  Determination of the centrifugal pump performance curve
  Experiment 4  Determination of the characteristic curves of a centrifugal pump
  Experiment 5  Comprehensive experiment of convective heat transfer
  Experiment 6  Comprehensive experiment on the measurement of heat transfer coefficient K of heat exchanger
  Experiment 7  Plate column distillation experiment
  Experiment 8  Packed column distillation experiment
  Experiment 9  Determination of fluid mechanics of plate column
  Experiment 10  Absorption-desorption experiment
  Experiment 11  Drying experiment
  Experiment 12  Fluidized bed drying experiment
  Experiment 13  Extraction experiment
  Experiment 14  Pervaporation membrane experiment
  Experiment 15  Ultrafiltration membrane separation experiment
Chapter 3  Methods of Processing Experimental Data
  3.1  Significant digits and operation rules
  3.2  Error analysis of experimental data
  3.3  Experimental data processing
  3.4  Representation of experimental data with mathematical equation
Chapter 4  Common Measuring Instrument in Laboratory
  4.1  Pressure measurement
  4.2  Metering of fluids
  4.3  Temperature measurement
  Appendix 1  SXK-2 type high precision flow integrator
  Appendix 2  ZW5433 three-phase digital meter
  Appendix 3  Instructions for hydrostatic balance
    Appendix 3.1  Specific gravity table of ethanol solution
    Appendix 3.2  Density table of water
  Appendix 4  Abbe refractometer
    Appendix 4.1  Relationship between refractive index of ethanol-propanol and solution concentration
    Appendix 4.2  Relationship between composition and refractive index of n-heptane-methyl cyclohexane system
  Appendix 5  Gas-liquid equilibrium data
    Appendix 5.1  Gas-liquid equilibrium data of ethanol-aqueous solution at atmospheric pressure(P = 760mmHg)
    Appendix 5.2  Gas-liquid equilibrium data of ethanol-propanol at atmospheric pressure(molar fraction)
    Appendix 5.3  Gas-liquid equilibrium data of n-heptane methyl cyclohexane at atmospheric pressure
  Appendix 6  Characteristic parameters of the four packings
  Appendix 7  Oxygen dissolving instrument
  Appendix 8  752-model spectrophotometer

  Appendix 9  Principles of automatic acquisition of computer data and automatic control
  Appendix 10  Installation and operation instructions of「Chemical Engineering Principle Experiment CAI」
  Appendix 11  Data recording and collation table of unit operation experiment
    Appendix 11.1  Data recording and collation table of Reynolds experiment
    Appendix 11.2  Data recording and collation table of Bernoulli equation experiment
    Appendix 11.3  Data recording and collation table of the pipeline fluid resistance determination
    Appendix 11.4  Data recording and collation table of calibration experiment of orifice and Venturi flowmeter
    Appendix 11.5  Data recording and collation table of determination of centrifugal pump characteristic curve
    Appendix 11.6  Data recording and collation table of comprehensive heat transfer experiment
    Appendix 11.7  Data recording and collation table of comprehensive experiment of heat transfer coefficient K measurement
    Appendix 11.8  Data recording and collation table of plate column distillation experiment
    Appendix 11.9  Data recording and collation table of packed column distillation experiment
    Appendix 11.10  Data recording and collation table of determination of hydromechanical properties of plate column
    Appendix 11.11  Data recording and collation table of absorption-desorption experiment
    Appendix 11.12  Data recording and collation table of drying experiment
    Appendix 11.13  Data recording and collation table of the fluidized bed drying experiment
    Appendix 11.14  Data recording and collation table of extraction experiment
    Appendix 11.15  Data recording and collation table of pervaporation membrane experiment
    Appendix 11.16  Data recording and collation table of ultrafiltration membrane separation experiment

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