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  • 作者:編者:Institute of Archaeology at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences//Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Cultural Heritage Administration//Shanghai Academy//Shanghai University
  • 出版社:大象
  • ISBN:9787571118945
  • 出版日期:2023/11/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:510
人民幣:RMB 320 元      售價:


編者:Institute of Archaeology at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences//Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Cultural Heritage Administration//Shanghai Academy//Shanghai University

Addresses at the Opening Ceremony
  Congratulatory Address by Ying Yong
  Congratulatory Address by Xie Fuzhan
  Congratulatory Address by Gu Yucai
Lifetime Achievement Award
  Jane Ellen Buikstra
Field Discovery Awards
  Globalization along the Early Maritime Silk Road: A View towards a Systemic and Plural History from the Isthmus of Kra,
  The Emergence and Consolidation of State in Anatolia as Evidenced at Kiiltepe Excavations
  Fort San Juan and the Limits of Empire: Colonial Encounters at the Berry Site
  The Copper Age Settlement Mound "Magura Gorgana" near Pietrele on the Lower Danube
  The Ness of Brodgar, Orkney, Scotland
  Foreshadowing Urbanization and Globalization at Prehistoric Keros: The First Information Revolution in the Third Millennium Aegean
  Callao Cave and the Discovery of the Homo Luzonenesis
  Luxury in the Underground: Archaeological Achievements of the Western Han Tomb of the Marquis of Haihun in Nanchang, China
  Archaeology of Glass in Sub-Saharan Africa
  A Mass Sacrifice of Children and Camelids in the North Coast of Peru during the 15th Century AD
Research Awards
  Tracing the Origins of Bronze Technology and Metal Exchange in Southeast Asia
  La Quemada and Ancient Globalization in West Mexico, 600-1400 CE
  Far from Pristine: What Lesson can Amazonian Archaeology Teach to World Archaeology?
  Obsidian Provenance in Northeast Asia: Gaining Solid Evidence for Prehistoric Exchange and Migrations
  Archaeometry and Urbanism at Great Zimbabwe
  The Evolution of Human Cooperation
  Archaeology of the Making of a Bronze Age Capital City: Bogazkoy / Hattusha through Time
  Boom and Bust, Hierarchy and Balance: From Landscape to Social Meaning--Megaliths and Societies in Northern Central Europe
  Researching the Olmec, Mesoamerica's Oldest Civilization
World Archaeology Keynote Lecture Series
  Bioarchaeology Goes Global
  Archaeology and History at the Ancient City of Sisupalgarh, India
  Urbanization and Globalization in the Bronze Age Levant: Megiddo as a Case Study
  World Archaeology and World Heritage
  The Urban Development Process in Teotihuacan and the Political-Economic Expansion in the Mesoamerican Territory
  The Roots of Urbanism in the U,S. Southwest: How Migration, Coalescence, and Inequality Created the Chaco World
  Monuments and Social Change in Prehistoric Western Europe
  The Intersection of Climate Change, Biodiversity Loss and Global Frictions: New Challenges for Africa's Archaeologists
  The Early Copper Industry in Southwest Asia: A Regional and Supra-regional System
Recent Developments in Chinese Archaeology
  Jinsha Site
  Jade and Setdement: Social Complexity of Lingjiatan Site
  Discovery and Research on Early Civilizations in Liao River Basin
  Underwater Cultural Heritage and Maritime Silk Route
  From the Emergence of Modern Human to the Origin of Agriculture--a Study of Cultural Development of Ancient Human in the Late Pleistocene, Central China
Abstracts of Other Presentations
Public Archaeology Keynote Lecture

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