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  • 作者:編者:成旻//龔穎|責編:李蕊|總主編:牛莉
  • 出版社:西安交大
  • ISBN:9787569321883
  • 出版日期:2021/08/01
  • 裝幀:活頁
  • 頁數:124
人民幣:RMB 39.8 元      售價:



MODULE 1  Exposition
  TASK ONE  Learning How to Read Actively
  TASK TWO  Understanding Modes of Discourse
  TASK THREE  Learning to Do Rhetorical Analysis of Exposition
  TASK FOUR  Identifying Different Types of Exposition
  TASK FIVE  Learning to Write an Expository Essay
  Practice Makes Better
MODULE 2  Description
  TASK ONE  Learning to Analyze Description Rhetorically
  TASK TWO  Learning Descriptive Skills
  TASK THREE  Learning Picture Writing
  TASK FOUR  Learning to Write with Description as a Rhetorical Device
  Practice Makes Better
MODULE 3  Narration
  TASK ONE  Learning the Vocabulary in the Article
  TASK TWO  Doing Research about the Author
  TASK THREE  Learning to Do Rhetorical Analysis of a Narration
  TASK FOUR  Analyzing the Background and the Purpose of Writing
  TASK FIVE  Learning to Do Rhetorical Analysis of a Short Story
  Practice Makes Better
MODULE 4  Argumentation
  TASK ONE  Recognizing Basic Features of Argumentation
  TASK TWO  Learning to Do Rhetorical Analysis of Argumentation by Recognizing the Modes of Persuasion
  TASK THREE  Learning to Do Rhetorical Analysis of Argumentation by Recognizing the Ways of Logical Reasoning
  TASK FOUR  Learning to Do Rhetorical Analysis of Argumentation by Using the Toulmin Model
  TASK FIVE  Learning to Build Strong Argument by Avoiding Logical Fallacies
  TASK SIX  Understanding Different Ways of Argument
  TASK SEVEN  Learning to Use Different Ways of Argument
  TASK EIGHT  Learning to Write Argumentation

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