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  • 作者:張泓|責編:信艷
  • 出版社:上海交大
  • ISBN:9787313298706
  • 出版日期:2023/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:163
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:


    張泓,浙江越秀外國語學院講師。擅長運用西方修辭學理論進行話語分析、新聞傳播、外宣翻譯等研究。先後主持浙江省哲社科常規項目、浙江省教育廳一般科研項目、紹興市哲社科「十三五」規劃重點課題、紹興市高等教育課堂教學改革項目若干,研究成果發表在International Journalo f English Linguistics等國內外學術期刊上,共十余篇。

Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  News Discourse in This Book
  1.2  The Rhetoric of News Discourse
  1.3  Goal and Structure of This Book
Chapter 2  Earlier Studies on English News Discourse
  2.1  Studies in China
  2.2  Studies in the West
  2.3  Summary
Chapter 3  An Overview of Rhetoric
  3.1  Defining Rhetoric
    3.1.1  The Rhetoric of Definition
    3.1.2  Definitions of Rhetoric in History
  3.2  Core Concepts of Rhetoric: Persuasion and Identification
  3.3  The Realm of Rhetoric
  3.4  Rhetorical Criticism
    3.4.1  Context
    3.4.2  Audience
    3.4.3  Rhetor
    3.4.4  Purpose
    3.4.5  Rhetorical Strategies
    3.4.6  Means of Persuasion
  3.5  Summary
Chapter 4  Rhetorical Situation: Context of News Discourse
  4.1  Kairos in Classical Rhetoric
  4.2  Lloyd Bitzer's Theory of Rhetorical Situation
    4.2.1  Exigence
    4.2.2  Audience
    4.2.3  Constraints
    4.2.4  The Fitting Response
  4.3  Vatz's View on Rhetorical Situation
  4.4  Scott Consigny's View on Rhetorical Situation
  4.5  Kenneth Burke's View on Rhetorical Situation
  4.6  Contemporary Explorations on Rhetorical Situation
  4.7  Rhetorical Situation of News Discourse
  4.8  Summary
Chapter 5  Rhetorical Mechanism: Persuasive Scheme of News Discourses
  5.1  The Five Canons of Rhetoric
    5.1.1  Invention
    5.1.2  Invention in News Discourse
    5.1.3  Style
    5.1.4  Style in News Discourse
  5.2  Kenneth Burke's Pentad Theory
    5.2.1  Kenneth Burke's Rhetorical Perspectives
    5.2.2  Dramatistic Pentad Model
    5.2.3  Ratio
    5.2.4  Pentadic Analysis of News Discourse
  5.3  Summary
Chapter 6  Rhetorical Resources. Persuasive Means of News Discourse
  6.1  The Role of Rhetorical Resources in Persuasion
  6.2  The Appeal of Ethos

    6.2.1  The Definition and Significance of Ethos
    6.2.2  The Sources of Ethos
    6.2.3  Adaption to Situation and Audience's Expectation;
  6.3  The Appeal of Pathos
    6.3.1  The Definition and Function of Pathos
    6.3.2  Strategies for Pathetic Appealing
  6.4  The Appeal of Logos
    6.4.1  The Definition and Function of Logos
    6.4.2  Paradigm and Enthymeme
  6.5  The Ethos-Pathos-Logos Trio
  6.6  Three Means of Persuasion in News Discourse
    6.6.1  Ethos in News Discourse
    6.6.2  Pathos in News Discourse
    6.6.3  Logos in News Discourse
  6.7  Summary
Chapter 7  A Case Study: English News on "In Zhejiang"
  7.1  Data Source
  7.2  Rhetorical Situation of the News on "In Zhejiang"
    7.2.1  Exigence
    7.2.2  Audience
    7.2.3  Constraints
  7.3  Rhetorical Mechanism of the News on "In Zhejiang"
    7.3.1  Invention. Topics and Purpose
    7.3.2  News Structure
  7.4  Three Rhetorical Appeals in the News on "In Zhejiang"
    7.4.1  The Appeal of Ethos in the News on IZ
    7.4.2  The Appeal of Logos in the News on IZ
    7.4.3  The Appeal of Pathos in the News on IZ
  7.5  The Style of the News on "In Zhejiang"
  7.6  Summary
Chapter 8  Conclusion

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