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  • 作者:Qingquan Li
  • 出版社:科學
  • ISBN:9787030747037
  • 出版日期:2023/01/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:498
人民幣:RMB 398 元      售價:


Qingquan Li

1  Introduction
  1.1  Introduction of Dynamic and Precise Engineering Surveying
    1.1.1  Characteristics of Dynamic and Precise Engineering Surveying
    1.1.2  Research Content
  1.2  Surveying Modes and Technical Architecture
    1.2.1  Surveying Modes
    1.2.2  Scientific Questions
  1.3  Space and Time Datums
    1.3.1  Time Datum
    1.3.2  Space Datum
    1.3.3  PrinciplesForPositioning
  1.4  Integration of Surveying Sensors
    1.4.1  Typical Sensors Used in Surveying
    1.4.2  Multi-sensor Synchronization
    1.4.3  Space and Time Association Between Multi-source Surveying Data
  1.5  Multi-source Surveying Data Processing
    1.5.1  SurveyingDataType
    1.5.2  Framework of Surveying Data Processing
    1.5.3  Methods of Surveying Data Processing
    1.5.4  Generalized Surveying Data Processing
  1.6  Application
  1.7  Summary
2  Structural State Surveying for Transportation Infrastructure
  2.1  Overview
  2.2  Road Transportation Infrastructure Surveying
    2.2.1  Pavement Deflection Surveying
    2.2.2  PavementDistressDetection
  2.3  Railway Transportation Infrastructure Surveying
    2.3.1  High-Speed RailTrack Surveying
    2.3.2  Subway Tunnel Surveying
  2.4  Bridge Dynamic Deflection Measurement
    2.4.1  PrincipleofVisionMeasurement
    2.4.2  Deflection Calculation
    2.4.3  Dynamic Monitoring of Bridge Deflection
  2.5  SurveyingEquipment
    2.5.1  Systematic Architecture of the Surveying Equipment
    2.5.2  RoadSurveyingEquipment
    2.5.3  Rail Track Surveying Equipment
  2.6  Summary
3  Dynamic Surveying in Autonomous Driving
  3.1  Overview
  3.2  Car Positioning and Navigation
    3.2.1  GNSS/INS Integrated Positioning
    3.2.2  In-Vehicle LiDAR Positioning
    3.2.3  In-Vehicle Visual Odometry
    3.2.4  Multi-sensor Fusion Positioning
  3.3  Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
    3.3.12  DObjectDetection

    3.3.2  Vision-Based3DObjectDetection
    3.3.3  LiDAR-Based3D Object Detection
    3.3.4  Vision and LiDAR Fusion Object Detection
  3.4  High-Definition Map
    3.4.1  HD Map Standard for Autonomous Driving
    3.4.2  ProductionoftheHDMapfor Autonomous Driving
    3.4.3  Applications of HD Maps in Autonomous Driving
  3.5  Applications
    3.5.1  Application in Open-Pit Mines
    3.5.2  ApplicationinVariousParks
  3.6  Summary
4  Indoor and Underground Space Measurement
  4.1  Overview
  4.2  Indoor and Underground Space Positioning
    4.2.1  Positioning Basedon Smart Terminals
    4.2.2  Positioning Basedona Precision INS
  4.3  Indoor3D Mapping
    4.3.1  Indoor Mobile3D Mapping
    4.3.2  IndoorMapUpdateBasedonCrowdsourcingData
  4.4  Flatness Detection of Super-Large Concrete Floor
    4.4.1  A Rapid Method of Aided-INS Floor Flatness Detection
    4.4.2  Testing and Application
  4.5  Defect Inspection of Drainage Pipelines
    4.5.1  Drainage Pipeline Detection Method Based on a Floating Capsule Robot
    4.5.2  The Test and Application of Drainage Pipe Network Detection
  4.6  Internal Deformation Measurement of Earth-Rockfill Dam
    4.6.1  Internal Deformation Monitoring forEarth-Rockfill Dam via High-Precision Flexible Pipeline Measurements
    4.6.2  Experiments and Results
  4.7  Summary
5  UAV 3D Measurement
  5.1  Overview
  5.2  LiDAR3DMeasurement
    5.2.1  LiDAR3DMeasurementSystem
    5.2.2  Processing Method of LiDAR Point Cloud
    5.2.3  LiDAR3D Measurement Applications
  5.3  Optimized Views Photogrammetry
    5.3.1  View Optimization and Route Generation Method Based on the Rough Model
    5.3.2  Accuracy Analysis for Fine Real Scene Modeling
    5.3.3  Multi-UAV Collaboration in Optimized View Photogrammetry
    5.3.4  Optimized Views Photogrammetry Applications
  5.4  Summary
6  Coastal Zone Surveying
  6.1  Overview
  6.2  Shipborne Water-Shore Integrated Surveying
    6.2.1  Water-Shore Integrated Surveying Technique
    6.2.2  Development of a Water-Shore Integrated Measurement System
    6.2.3  Application of the Integrated Water-Shore Measurement System

  6.3  AirborneLaserBathymetricSurveying
    6.3.1  Airborne Laser Bathymetry Technology
    6.3.2  Development of Airborne Laser Bathymetry Equipment
    6.3.3  Airborne Laser Bathymetry Data Processing
    6.3.4  Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry Application
  6.4  Coastal Surface Subsidence InSAR Measurement
    6.4.1  Research Status of InSAR Technology
    6.4.2  Sequential InSAR Processing Technology
    6.4.3  The Interpretation of Sequential InSAR Results
    6.4.4  Coastal InSAR Monitoring Application
  6.5  Coastal Tide Correction
    6.5.2  Spatial Structure of Ocean Dynamic Water Level
    6.5.3  Dynamic Water Level Correction Method
    6.5.4  Dynamic Water Level Correction in the Southwestern Yellow Sea
  6.6  Summary
7  Outlook

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