Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Research background 1.2 Research questions 1.3 Significance of the present study Chapter Two Literature Review 2.1 Knowledge emotions in psychology research 2.2 Knowledge emotions as evaluative resources in writing 2.3 Frame semantics and academic writing 2.4 Disciplinary variations and academic writing 2.5 Gender-related effects and academic writing 2.6 Geo-epistemological contexts and academic writing 2.7 Diachronic changes and academic writing Chapter Three Research Methodology 3.1 Research design 3.2 Corpus data collection 3.2.1 Corpus building 3.2.2 Methods of data coding and analysis 3.3 Interviews 3.3.1 Participants 3.3.2 Interview schedule 3.3.3 Data analysis Chapter Four Semantic Frames of Knowledge Emotion Markers 4.1 Surprise markers 4.1.1 Frames and frame elements evoked by surprise markers 4.1.2 Interconnections among the identified frames of surprise markers 4.1.3 Coded frame elements and their distributions 4.1.4 The Surprise frame in RAs 4.2 Interest markers 4.2.1 Frames and frame elements evoked by interest markers 4.2.2 Interconnections among the identified frames of interest markers 4.2.3 Coded frame elements and their distributions 4.2.4 The Interest frame in RAs 4.3 Confusion markers 4.3.1 Frames and frame elements evoked by confusion markers 4.3.2 Intereonneetions among the identified frames of confusion markers 4.3.3 Coded frame elements and their distributions 4.3.4 The Confusion frame in RAs 4.4 Comparison among the three knowledge emotion frames 4.4.1 Trigger as a core frame element for the three knowledge emotion frames 4.4.2 Explanation as a core frame element for the three knowledge emotion frames 4.4.3 Resolution as a core frame element for the Surprise frame 4.4.4 Degree as a peripheral frame element for the three knowledge emotion frames 4.4.5 Experiencer as a peripheral frame element for the three knowledge emotion frames 4.5 A generic frame for knowledge emotions in RAs Chapter Five Use of Knowledge Emotion Markers in Research Articles: Quantitative Findings 5.1 Cross-disciplinary differences in the use of knowledge emotion markers 5.1.1 Use of surprise markers 5.1.2 Use of interest markers 5.1.3 Use of confusion markers 5.2 Gender-based differences in the use of knowledge emotion markers
5.2.1 Use of surprise markers by gender 5.2.2 Use of interest markers by gender 5.2.3 Use of confusion markers by gender 5.3 Location-based differences in the use of knowledge emotion markers 5.3.1 Use of surprise markers by authors' geo-academic location 5.3.2 Use of interest markers by authors' geo-academic location 5.3.3 Use of confusion markers by authors' geo-academic location 5.4 Diachronic differences in the use of knowledge emotion markers 5.4.1 Use of surprise markers by time 5.4.2 Use of interest markers by time 5.4.3 Use of confusion markers by time Chapter Six Use of Knowledge Emotion Markers in Research Articles: Qualitative Findings 6.1 Cross-disciplinary differences in the use of knowledge emotion markers 6.1.1 Disciplinary knowledge-making conventions: shared vs distinct 6.1.2 Legitimating knowledge claims : knowledge-oriented vs knower-oriented 6.2 Gender-based differences in the use of knowledge emotion markers 6.2.1 Perceptions of successful academic communication: clarity vs conciseness 6.2.2 Status in academia: visible vs invisible 6.3 Location-based differences in the use of knowledge emotion markers 6.3.1 English as a linguistic choice: advantageous vs disadvantageous 6.3.2 Accessibility to the knowledge production market: dominant vs marginalized 6.4 Diachronic differences in the use of knowledge emotion markers 6.4.1 Gaining acceptance and recognition: publish vs perish 6.4.2 Evolving scholarly ethos: impersonal vs interpersonal 6.4.3 Changing academic context: specialized field vs expanded readership Chapter Seven Discussion 7.1 Disciplinary influences on the use of knowledge emotion markers 7.1.1 Overall use of knowledge emotion markers across disciplines 7.1.2 Disciplinary influences on the occurrence of the knowledge emotion frame elements 7.2 Gender influences on the use of knowledge emotion markers 7.2.1 Overall use of knowledge emotion markers across gender 7.2.2 Influences of gender on the occurrence of knowledge emotion frame elements 7.3 Regional influences on the use of knowledge emotion markers 7.3.1 Overall use of knowledge emotion markers across regions 7.3.2 Regional influences on the occurrence of knowledge emotion frame elements 7.4 Influences of time on the use of knowledge emotion markers 7.4.1 Overall use of knowledge emotion markers across time 7.4.2 Influences of time on the occurrence of knowledge emotion frame elements 7.5 Knowledge emotion markers and knowledge-making practices Chapter Eight Conclusions 8.1 Major findings 8.2 Contributions of the present study 8.3 Pedagogical implications of the present study