幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:張英貴//張雲麗//李傳耀|責編:劉穎維|總主編:田紅旗
  • 出版社:中南大學
  • ISBN:9787548756729
  • 出版日期:2023/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:218
人民幣:RMB 78 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1 Composition of railway communication and signal
  1.2 Functions of railway communication and signal
  1.3 Development trend and features of railway communication and signal
Chapter 2  Railway Signal
  2.1 Brief introduction
  2.2 Semaphore signal
  2.3 Color light signal
  2.4 How to set railway signal?
  2.5 Signal indication
Chapter 3  Railway Signal Basic Equipment
  3.1 Relay
  3.2 Switch transform and snow-melting equipment
  3.3 Train locating equipment
Chapter 4  Signal Control System for Railway Stations
  4.1 Railway interlocking
  4.2 Relay interlocking system
  4.3 Computer-based interlocking system
Chapter 5  Signal Control System for Railway Sections
  5.1 Brief introduction
  5.2 Semi-automatic blocking system
  5.3 Automatic inter-station blocking system
  5.4 Automatic blocking system
  5.5 Moveable blocking system
Chapter 6  Shunting Control System for Marshalling Station
  6. 1 Brief introduction
  6.2 Automatic hump
  6.3 Flat shunting centralized interlocking for hump tail area
  6.4 Comprehensive automation of marshalling station
Chapter 7  Railway Dispatching and Command Automatic System
  7.1 Brief introduction
  7.2 TDCS
  7.3 CTC
Chapter 8  Train Operation Control System
  8.1 Brief introduction
  8.2 Cab signal
  8.3 LKJ train operation monitoring and recording device
  8.4 CTCS
Chapter 9  Centralized Signal Monitoring System
  9.1 Brief introduction
  9.2 CSM structure
  9.3 Technical features for CSM
  9.4 Interfaces between CSM and other related systems
Chapter 10  Railway Signal Systems Integration
  10.1 Brief introduction
  10.2 Signal systems integration for existing railway
  10.3 Signal systems integration for high-speed railway
Chapter 11  Railway Communication
  11.1 Brief introduction
  11.2 Railway dedicated communication

  11.3 GSM-R

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