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  • 作者:編者:張莉|責編:湯定軍
  • 出版社:蘇州大學
  • ISBN:9787567245051
  • 出版日期:2023/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:252
人民幣:RMB 58 元      售價:



Unit 1 Globalization and Global Issues
  Text 1 Why Brexit Happened and What to Do Next
  Text 2 Is It Time to Declare the End of Globalisation?
  Text 3 The Clash of Civilizations
  Task 1 Critical Reading Strategy and Practice: Using a Graphic Organizer to Struaure an Essay
  Task 2 Academic Writing Strategy and Practice: Writing a Problem-Solution Essay
  Task 3 Communication / Presentation Strategy and Practice: Starting a Presentation
Unit 2 Economy and Economics
  Text 1 World Economy and Three New Fault Lines
  Text 2 Paul A,Samuelson: Father of Modem Economics
  Text 3 Economics and Critical Thinking
  Task 1 Critical Reading Strategy and Practice: Identifying Cause and Effect
  Task 2 Academic Writing Strategy and Practice: Writing a Cause-and-Effect Essay
  Task 3 Communication / Presentation Strategy and Practice: Making an Effective Presentation
Unit 3 Science and Technology
  Text 1 Technology and Happiness
  Text 2 What Makes Technology Good or Bad for Us?
  Text 3 Does the Internet Make You Dumber?
  Task 1 Critical Reading Strategy and Practice: Annotating a Text
  Task 2 Academic Writing Strategy and Practice: Writing a Pros-and-Cons Essay
  Task 3 Communication / Presentation Strategy and Practice: Planning and Conducting an Interview
Unit 4 Society and Ethics
  Text 1 Intangible Effects of Walls
  Text 2 Staging and the Self
  Text 3 What's Wrong with Copying?
  Task 1 Critical Reading Strategy and Practice: Evaluating Information
  Task 2 Academic Writing Strategy and Practice: Avoiding Plagiarism
  Task 3 Communication / Presentation Strategy and Practice: Using Visual Aids
Unit 5 Psychology and Growth
  Text 1 Jean Piaget's Genetic Epistemology
  Text 2 Positive Psychology: Nurturing What Is Best
  Text 3 Antifragility and Safetyism
  Task 1 Critical Reading Strategy and Practice: identifying the Main Idea
  Task 2 Academic Writing Strategy and Practice: Writing a Summary
  Task 3 Communication / Presentation Strategy and Practice: Using Non-Verbal Communication Skills in a Speech
Unit 6 History and Literature
  Text 1 A Meditation Upon Priority
  Text 2 The End of the Print Age
  Text 3 The Future of Human History as a Science
  Task 1 Critical Reading Strategy and Practice: Identifying Supporting Details
  Task 2 Academic Writing Strategy and Practice: Using Evidences to Support Opinions
  Task 3 Communication / Presentation Strategy and Practice: Engaging the Audience
Unit 7 Digital Teaching and Education
  Text 1 The Role of Technology in Improving Student Outcomes
  Text 2 Digital Natives,Digital Immigrants
  Text 3 On Excellent Sheep: What Is College for?
  Task 1 Critical Reading Strategy and Practice: Reading Critically
  Task 2 Academic Writing Strategy and Practice: Formulating a Thesis Statement
  Task 3 Communication / Presentation Strategy and Practice: Closing a Speech
Unit 8 Environment and Environmental Studies

  Text 1 Clinmte Change Could Be Worse than COVID-19
  Text 2 Is There Still Debate about Climate Change
  Text 3 A1 Gore: The Case for Optimism on Climate Change
  Task 1 Critical Reading Strategy and Practice: Synthesizing Information
  Task 2 Academic Writing Strategy and Practice: Writing a Compare-and-Contrast Essay
  Task 3 Communication / Presentation Strategy and Practice: Facilitating a Group Discussion
Unit 9 Health and Life
  Text 1 Determinants of Mortality in Poor Countries
  Text 2 Dawn of Digital Medicine
  Text 3 Could Elon Musk's Neuralink Be a Game-Changer for People with Disabilities
  Task 1 Critical Reading Strategy and Practice: Familiarizing with Key Stylistics of Academic Texts
  Task 2 Academic Writing Strategy and Practice: Writing an Effective Abstract
  Task 3 Communication / Presentation Strategy and Practice: Conducting a Persuasive Debate
Unit 10 Art and Design
  Text 1 Public Art Controversy: Cultural Expression and Civic Debate
  Text 2 The Pandemic Has Made a Mockery of Minimalism
  Text 3 Technology and Art: Engineerivg the Future
  Task 1 Critical Reading Strategy and Practice: Using Nominalizations to Link Ideas
  Task 2 Academic Writing Strategy and Practice: Recognizing Citation Forms and Functions
  Task 3 Communication / Presentation Strategy and Practice: Presiding a Seminar

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