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  • 作者:編者:姚國章//王允曦//劉偉|責編:張瑋琪
  • 出版社:北京大學
  • ISBN:9787301345979
  • 出版日期:2023/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:197
人民幣:RMB 48 元      售價:



Chapter 1  An Overview of E-Business
第1篇  電子商務概述
  UNIT 1  E-Commerce / E-Business in the New Economy
  新經濟下的電子商貿 / 電子商務
  UNIT 2  Six Principles to Guide the Development of Global E-Commerce
  UNIT 3  The Internet of Things (IoT): Shaping the Future of E-Commerce
Chapter 2  E-Marketing and E-Finance
第2篇  電子市場營銷與電子金融
  UNIT 4  Best Practices for Retail & E-Commerce to Win Consumers via Mobile Marketing
  UNIT 5  What Is E-Marketing Plan
  UNIT 6  Customer Differentiation and Lifecycle Management of E-Marketing
Chapter 3  E-Business about Enterprises
第3篇  企業電子商務
  UNIT 7  Challenges of Establishing Online Business in the E-Commerce Process Chain
  UNIT 8  How SMBs Can Profit from the Internet
  UNIT 9  Could My Business Be an E-Business
Chapter 4  E-Business about Industries
第4篇  行業電子商務
  UNIT 10  Retail E-Procurement: Minimizing Costs and Improving Productivity
  UNIT 11  Selling Products on Facebook: The Emergence of Social Commerce
  UNIT 12  What Do Consumers Really Want
Chapter 5  E-Business Case Studies
第5篇  電子商務案例研究
  UNIT 13  Case Study of CRM: Securities Institute of Australia
  CRM 案例研究:澳大利亞證券協會
  UNIT 14  Viral Marketing of Kettle Foods
Chapter 6  E-Business Technology and Security Issues
第6篇  電子商務技術與安全
  UNIT 15  Some Technology Trends Affecting E-Business
  UNIT 16  E-Business Relies on Security
  UNIT 17  UNCTAD B2C E-Commerce Index 2017
  2017 年聯合國貿易和發展會議 B2C 電子商務指數

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