幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:馬珂//侯霞|責編:牛瑞鑫|總主編:白靖宇//段龍江
  • 出版社:西安交大
  • ISBN:9787569333534
  • 出版日期:2023/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:252
人民幣:RMB 58 元      售價:



Unit 1  Globalization
  Text A  Globalization Is Not in Retreat
  Text B  On Globalization, Cultural Diversity and Education Analysis
  Text C  Is Globalization Worth Saving
Unit 2  Cyberspace
  Text A  The False Promise of ChatGPT
  Text B  Machines and Morality
  Text C  Corporate Governance in the Age of Cyber Risks
Unit 3  Human-Based Ideas
  Text A  Successful Organizations Put People First
  Text B  Designing Cities for People
  Text C  The Secret to Delighting Customers: Putting Employees First
Unit 4  Higher Education
  Text A  The Long-Haul Degree
  Text B  Britain's Universities: Funding Excellence
  Text C  Higher Education in a World Where Students Never Graduate
Unit 5  Philosophy as a Way of Life
  Text A  The Ponds
  Text B  Metaphysics
  Text C  Philosophy as a Way of Life
Unit 6  Medicine and Illness
  Text A  Healingthe Hurt
  Text B  Internet Addiction Guide
  Text C  The Strange History of Vaccines --And Why People Fear Them
Unit 7  Love and Marriage
  Text A  Are Love and Marriage Like a Horse and Carriage
  Text B  I Don't -- The Case Against Marriage
  Text C  The Seven Surprising Secrets for a Successful Marriage
Unit 8  Space Travel
  Text A  The Hazards of Space Travel
  Text B  In Memoriam: The Mars Lander's Legacy
  Text C  Which Is More Dangerous: Outer Space or the Deep Sea
Unit 9  Public Security
  Text A  Terrorized by "War on Terror
  Text B  All the News That's Fit to Leak
  Text C  Big Data, Big Issues
Unit 10  Speeches of Famous Persons
  Text A  Presidential Election Victory Speech (Excerpt)
  Text B  The End of the Beginning
  Text C  Commencement Address at Stanford University

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