幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:張天民|責編:周玲
  • 出版社:人民衛生
  • ISBN:9787117345880
  • 出版日期:2023/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:186
人民幣:RMB 89 元      售價:



Part 1  Foundation of Zhendao Medicine
  Chapter 1  Overview of Zhendao Medicine
    Section 1  A Brief History of Zhendao Medicine Development
      The Origin of Zhendao Therapy
      The Formation and Development of Zhendao Therapy
      Establishment of Zhendao Medicine
      Development and Innovation of Zhendao Medicine Theories
    Section 2  Disciplinary Characteristics of Zhendao Medicine
      An Independent Cutting-edge Interdisciplinary Medicine
      Research Direction of Zhendao Medicine
    Section 3  Resolutions of Existing Problems of Zhendao Medicine
      Strengthening the Disciplinary Construction of Zhendao Medicine
      Strengthening the Scholarly Exchange among Zhendao Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine
  Chapter 2  Basic Theory of Zhendao Medicine
    Section 1  Closed Surgery Theory
      Basic Conception of Closed Surgery
      Instrument of The Closed Surgery—Zhendao
      Anatomical Basis of Closed Surgical Theory
    Section 2  Etiological and Pathological Theories of Chronic Soft Tissue Injury
    Section 3  Etiological and Pathological Theories of Bone Hyperplasia
    Section 4  Zhendao Medicine and the Theories of Channels and Collaterals
      Application of the Theory of Channel Sinews in The Treatment of Chronic Soft Tissue Injury with Zhendao
      Application of Acupoints in the Zhendao Treatment of Chronic Visceral Diseases
      Eff ect of Channel-Collateral and Acupoints
    Section 5  The New Theory of Zhendao Medicine—Body Bowstring Mechanical Anatomy System and Mesh Theory
      The Relationship between the Human Body and the Force
      The Theoretical Source of the New Theory of Zhendao Medicine
      Def inition and Classif ication of BBMAS
      Application of BBMAS and Mesh Theory
  Chapter 3  Diagnostics of Zhendao Medicine
    Section 1  Symptoms
    Section 2  Physical Examination
      General Examination
      Examination of Spine and Limbs
      Cord Induration
    Section 3  Imaging-assisted Diagnosis
      X-ray Diagnostics
      CT and MRI Imaging Diagnosis
      Other Imaging Diagnosis
    Section 4 Laboratory-assisted Diagnosis
Part 2  Zhendao Therapy
  Chapter 4  Principles and Aims of Zhendao Therapy
    Section 1  Principles of Zhendao Therapy

    Section 2  Aims of Zhendao Therapy
  Chapter 5  The Indications and Contrain dications of Zhendao Therapy
    Section 1  Indications
    Section 2  Contraindications
  Chapter 6  Preoperative Preparation and Management
    Section 1  Preoperative Preparation
      Clarifying Diagnosis
      Signing Zhendao Consent
      Patient』s Preparation
      Medical Personnel Preparation
    Section 2  Postoperative Management
      Conventional Treatment Process
      Postoperative Nursing
  Chapter 7  Zhendao Wielding Artistry and Hand Manipulation
    Section 1  Zhendao Wielding Artistry
      Zhendao Holding Posture
      Method of Piercing Zhendao
      Zhendao Operational Pathway
      Common Zhendao Wielding Artistry
    Section 2  Post-zhendao Hand Manipulation
      Eff ect and Purpose
      Common Hand Manipulation after Zhendao Treatment
    Section 3  Course of Zhendao Treatment
  Chapter 8  Precaution and Treatment for Abnormalities
    Section 1  Fainting during Zhendao Surgery
      Clinical Manifestation
      Handling Method
    Section 2  Zhendao Fracture
      Clinical Manifestation
      Handling Method
    Section 3  Important Vessel Injury
      Table of Contents
      Clinical Manifestation
      Handling Method
    Section 4  Essential Nerve Injury
      Clinical Manifestation
      Handling Method
    Section 5  Bone Fracture
      Clinical Manifestation

      Handling Method
  Chapter 9  Chronic Injury of Trunk Soft Tissue
    Section 1  Chronic Injury of Trapezius
    Section 2  Levator Scapulae Injury
    Section 3  Rhomboideus Injury
    Section 4  The Third Lumbar Transverse Process Syndrome
    Section 5  Iliolumbar Ligament Injury
  Chapter 10  Chronic Soft Tissue Injuries of Extremities
    Section 1  Tendonitis of the Short Head of Biceps Brachii
    Section 2  Tenosynovitis of Long Head of Biceps Brachii
    Section 3  Periarthritis of Shoulder
    Section 4  External Humeral Epicondylitis
    Section 5  Stenotic Tenosynovitis of Radial Styloid Process
    Section 6  Trigger Finger
    Section 7  Ganglion Cyst of Wrist Dorsum
    Section 8  Medial Collateral Ligament Injury of Knee Joint
    Section 9  Anserine Bursitis
    Section 10  Calcaneodynia
  Chapter 11  Peripheral Nerve Entrapment Syndrome
    Section 1  Greater Occipital Nerve Entrapment Syndrome
    Section 2  Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
    Section 3  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    Section 4  Sequelae of Herpes Zoster
    Section 5  Piriformis Syndrome
    Section 6  Common Peroneal Nerve Entrapment
    Section 7  Superf icial Peroneal Nerve Entrapment Syndrome
  Chapter 12 Osteoarthrosis
    Section 1  Cervical Spondylosis
    Section 2  Protrusion of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc
    Section 3  Knee Osteoarthritis
    Section 4  Femoral Head Necrosis
    Section 5  Ankylosing Spondylitis
  Chapter 13  Miscellaneous Diseases
    Section 1  Chronic Bronchitis
    Section 2  Chronic Pelvic Inf lammatory Disease
    Section 3  Acne

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