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  • 作者:臧延青//朱磊//胡禧熙|責編:畢仕林//國帥
  • 出版社:中國紡織
  • ISBN:9787522908021
  • 出版日期:2023/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:297
人民幣:RMB 98 元      售價:



Chapte 1 Study on Polyphenoals in Jindai - soyean ( Glycine max. L. Me.『Jindai』)
  1.1 Soybean
  1.2 Edamame
  1.3 Polyphenols
  1.4 Flavonoids
  1.5 Biological Activities of the Flavonoids
  1.6 Aim of the Pesent Study
Chapte 2 Isolation and Chaacteization of the Polyphenols of Jindai Soybean Leaves
  2.1 Intoduction
  2.2 Mateial and Methods
  2.3 Results and Discussion
  2.4 Conclusion
Chapte 3 Peventive Effects of Dietay Polyphenolics of Jindai-soybean Leaves on KK-Ay Mice
  3.1 Intoduction
  3.2 Mateials and Methods
  3.3 Results
  3.4 Discussion
  3.5 Summay
Chapte 4 The Anti-obesity and Anti-diabetic Effects of Kaempfeol Glycosides fom Unipe Soybean Leaves in High-fat-diet Mice
  4.1 Intoduction
  4.2 Mateials and Methods
  4.3 Results
  4.4 Discussion
  4.5 Conclusion
Chapte 5 Anti -obese and Anti -diabetic Effects of a Mixtue of Daidzin and Glycitin in C57BL/ 6J Mice Fed with a High Fat Diet
  5.1 Intoduction
  5.2 Mateials and Methods
  5.3 Results
  5.4 Discussion
  5.5 Conclusion
Chapte 6 Anti -diabetic Effects of Luteolin and Luteolin - 7 -O -glucoside on KK-Ay Mice
  6.1 Intoduction
  6.2 Mateial and Methods
  6.3 Results
  6.4 Discussion
Chapte 7 Anti -obese and Anti -diabetic Effects of Soy Glycitin on High -fat Diet-induced Obese C57BL/ 6J Mice
  7.1 Intoduction
  7.2 Mateials and Methods
  7.3 Results
  7.4 Discussion
  7.5 Conclusion
Chapte 8 Potective Effects of Dietay Kaempfeol Glycoside Components fom Unipe Soybean ( Edamame, Glycine max L. Meill. 『 Jindai 』)Leaves and Thei Seous Metabolite on Cabon Tetachloide-induced Live Injuy Mice
  8.1 Intoduction

  8.2 Mateials and Methods
  8.3 Results and Discussion
Chapte 9 Antioxidant and Hepatopotective Activity of Kaempfeol 3-O-β-d- (2,6-di-O-α-l-hamnopyanosyl)Galactopyonoside Against Cabon Tetachloide-induced Live Injuy in Mice
  9.1 Intoduction
  9.2 Mateials and Methods
  9.3 Results and Discussion
Chapte 10 Hepatopotective Activities of Kaempfeol Glycosides Faction in Diabetic and Obese Mice
  10.1 Intoduction
  10.2 Mateials and Methods
  10.3 Results
  10.4 Discussion
Chapte 11 Glycitein Induces ROS-dependent Apoptosis and G0 / G1 Cell Cycle Aest Though the MAPK / STAT3 / NF - κB Pathway in Human Gastic Cance Cells
  11.1 Intoduction
  11.2 Mateials and Methods
  11.3 Results
  11.4 Discussion
  11.5 Conclusion
Chapte 12 Molecula Mechanisms of Quinalizain Induces Apoptosis and G0 /G1 Cell Cycle of Human Esophageal Cance HCE-4 Cells
  Depends on MAPK, STAT3 and NF-κB Signaling Pathways
  12.1 Intoduction
  12.2 Mateials and Methods
  12.3 Results
  12.4 Discussion
  12.5 Conclusions
Chapte 13 Daidzein Induces A549 Human Lung Cance Cell Apoptosis and G0 /G1 Cell Cycle Aesty Activating ROS-mediated MAPK, STAT3 and NF-κB Signaling Pathways
  13.1 Intoduction
  13.2 Mateials and Methods
  13.3 Results
  13.4 Discussion
  13.5 Conclusions
Chapte 14  Quinalizain Induces ROS - mediated Apoptosis Via the MAPK,STAT3, and NF-κB Signaling Pathways in Human Beast
  Cance Cells
  14.1 Intoduction
  14.2 Expeimental Section
  14.3 Results
  14.4 Discussion
Chapte 15 Phenolic Contents and Compositions in Skins of Red Wine Gape Cultivas among Vaious Genetic Backgounds and
  15.1 Intoduction
  15.2 Mateials and Methods
  15.3 Results and Discussion
  15.4 Conclusions

Chapter 16 The Growing Season Impacts the Accumulation and Composition of Flavonoids in Grape Skins in Two-crop-a-year Viticulture
  16.1 Introduction
  16.2 Materials and Methods
  16.3 Results 246
  16.4 Discussion and Conclusions
Chapter 17 Effects of Exogenous Ahscisic Acid on Phenolic Characteristics of Red Vitis Vinifera Grapes and Wines 265
  17.1 Introduction
  17.2 Materials and Methods
  17.3 Results and Discussion

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