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  • 作者:幸君珺|責編:羅曉華
  • 出版社:武漢大學
  • ISBN:9787307238473
  • 出版日期:2023/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:392
人民幣:RMB 78 元      售價:

    數據新聞的技術性、多模態性及語類轉向趨勢使其成為現代語篇的典型形式。但目前數據新聞的研究主要來自新聞傳播學界,關注數據新聞的概念和理念釐定、可視化表徵等內容分析和新聞生產者角色與作用,未關注其作為話語的敘事邏輯和意義生成過程。本書以獲得「數據新聞獎」的作品為分析對象,結合符號學、新聞傳播學及可視化生產的相關理論和實踐,以系統功能多模態話語研究為主要理論基礎,構建數據新聞的多模態語類分析框架,解讀數據新聞作為多模態話語的意義生成方式。分析框架以數據新聞的語篇語義層為出發點,從耦合角度分析不同符號在實例化語篇中跨層次、跨元功能、系統間、系統內部的協同模式,進而分析數據新聞話語的語類特徵。研究發現,可視化圖像是數據新聞敘事的重要實現形式,對時間、因果、比較、相關關係等有其獨特的表徵方式;文字和可視化圖像雖有不同的意義潛勢或可供性(affordance),但在組合生成為實例化的話語時,可協作實現相同的語類目標;作為超文本的數據新聞,呈現向混合語類發展的趨勢,實例化為語類綜合體(genre complex)或含有嵌入語類的宏觀語類(macrogenre)。


Chapter 1  Journalism and Data Journalism: The Production Side
  1.1  An Overview of Journalism Development
  1.2  Technological Innovations and Journalism Development
    1.2.1  News and Technologies in the Print Era
    1.2.2  News and Technologies in the Radio Era
    1.2.3  News and Technologies in the Television Era
    1.2.4  News and Technologies in the Digital or Online Era
  1.3  Data Journalism
    1.3.1  Understanding Data Journalism
    1.3.2  Data News
    1.3.3  Data Visualization and Its Categorization
  1.4  Studies on Data Journalism: The Production Side
    1.4.1  Data Journalism Production
    1.4.2  Content Analysis
    1.4.3  Evolution of Data Journalism
  1.5  Summary
    1.5.1  The Role of Technology in Meaning-making Processes
    1.5.2  Multimodal Nature of Data News
    1.5.3  Genre Shift in Data Journalism
Chapter 2  Data News as Multimodal Discourse: The Consumption Side
  2.1  Discourse Analysis of Data News
  2.2  Social Semiotic Studies on Data Visualization
    2.2.1  Visualization of Culture
    2.2.2  Data Visualizations as Social Semiotic Resources
    2.2.3  Data Visualizations in Journalism
  2.3  Studies on Multimodality
    2.3.1  Approaches to Multimodality
    2.3.2  Meanings in Images
    2.3.3  Intermodal Interaction
    2.3.4  Studies on Multimodal Genre
  2.4  Studies on News Discourse
    2.4.1  Major Approaches to News Discourse
    2.4.2  SFL Studies on Multimodal News Discourse
    2.4.3  SFL Studies on Monomodal Verbal News
  2.5  Summary
Chapter 3  Towards a Multimodai Genre Model for Data News
  3.1  Genre Studies
    3.1.1  Three Genre Traditions
    3.1.2  SFL Models on Linguistic Genres
  3.2  Moving to Multimodal Genre
    3.2.1  Moving to Multimodal Genre from Linguistic Approaches
    3.2.2  Moving to Multimodal Genre from Studies on Visual Genre
    3.2.3  Defining Multimodal Genre
  3.3  Theoretical Foundations
    3.3.1  Denotative and Connotative Semiotics
    3.3.2  Typology and Topology
    3.3.3  System and Structure
    3.3.4  Metafunction, Stratification, and Instantiation
    3.3.5  Realization

    3.3.6  Coupling and Commitment
  3.4  Building up a Genre Framework for Data News Analysis
    3.4.1  Strata for Data Stories
    3.4.2  Intermodal Interaction : A Coupling Perspective
    3.4.3  A Multimodal Genre Model for Data News Analysis
  3.5  Research Design
    3.5.1  Research Questions
    3.5.2  Research Data
    3.5.3  Methodology and Descriptive Principle
  3.6  Summary
Chapter 4  Meaning Patterns in Data News
  4.1  Semiotic Modes and Mode Families in the Data
  4.2  Meaning Patterns in Verbal Texts
    4.2.1  Ideation and Connexion Patterns
    4.2.2  Appraisal Patterns
    4.2.3  Periodicity and Identification Patterns
  4.3  Meaning Configurations in Image Mode Family
    4.3.1  Meaning Configurations in Photographs
    4.3.2  Meaning Configurations in Drawings
    4.3.3  Meaning Patterns in Data Visualizations
    4.3.4  Outlining Semiotic Capabilities of the Image Family Members
  4.4  Meaning Patterns in Camera-shot Natural Videos
  4.5  Intermodal Coupling Patterns
    4.5.1  Micro Image-text Coupling
    4.5.2  Macro Image-text Coupling
  4.6  Summary
Chapter 5  Register and Genre Analyses of Data News
  5.1  Register Analysis
    5.1.1  Meaning Patterns of Mode
    5.1.2  Meaning Patterns of Field
    5.1.3  Meaning Patterns of Tenor
  5.2  Genre Analysis
    5.2.1  Process of Genre Analysis
    5.2.2  Data Visualization as Elemental Genre
    5.2.3  Macrogenre and Embedded Genre
    5.2.4  Genre Complex
  5.3  Summary: Relations Among Genres in the Data

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