幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:劉琴|責編:羅蘭|總主編:鄧仕倫
  • 出版社:復旦大學
  • ISBN:9787309161649
  • 出版日期:2022/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:143
人民幣:RMB 56 元      售價:



Unit 1  College Life
  Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities
    Section A Quotes Appreciation
    Section B Group Discussion
  Part Ⅱ Reading Activities
    Section A Banked Cloze
    Time Management Tips for College Students
    Section B Speed Reading
    Ten Skills You Should Develop While in College
    Section C In-deoth Readins
    What Will College Life Be Like
    Ways to Balance Academics and Social Life in College
  Part Ⅲ Extended Activities
    Section A Translation
    Section B Writing
Unit 2  Screen Time
  Part Ⅰ  Pre-reading Activities
    Section A Quotes Appreciation
    Section B Group Discussion
  Part Ⅱ Reading Activities
    Section A Banked Cloze
    A Newly Built Smartphone Screen
    Section B Speed Reading
    Can Pat. Gelsinger Turn the Chipmaking Giant Around
    Section C In-depth Reading
    Google's New Device Will Track Your Sleep
    Driverless Cars
  Part Ⅲ Extended Activities
    Section A Translation
    Section B Writing
Unit 3  Love
  Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities
    Section A Quotes Appreciation
    Section B Group Discussion
  Part Ⅱ Reading Activities
    Section A Banked Cloze
    Young People's Attitude Towards Bare-bones Marriage
    Section B Speed Reading
    Love Is Not Enough
    Section C In-depth Reading
    How Romance Ruins Love
    How to Find an Ideal Life Partner
  Part Ⅲ Extended Activities
    Section B wilnga
    Section A Translation
Unit 4  E-commerce
  Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities
    Section A Quotes Appreciation
    Section B Group Discussion
  Part Ⅱ Reading Activities

    Section A Banked Cloze
    The Popularity of Electronic Payment in China
    Section B Speed Reading
    China's Lead over the US in Mobile Payments
    Section C In-depth Reading
    The Pandemic Could Be a Turning Point
    China's E-commerce Market
  Part Ⅲ Extended Activities
    Section A Translation
    Section B Writing
Unit 5  Animals
  Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities
    Section A Quotes Appreciation
    Section B Group Discussion
  Part Ⅱ Reading Activities
    Section A Banked Cloze
    Animal Crisis
    Section B Speed Reading
    Danger to Animals All over the World
    Section C In-depth Reading
    African Wildlife
    Big Cats
  Part Ⅲ Extended Activities
    Section A Translation
    Section B Writing
Unit 6  Traveling
  Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities
    Section A Quotes Appreciation
    Section B Group Discussion
  Part Ⅱ Reading Activities
    Section A Banked Cloze
    How to Change Plane Seats
    Section B Speed Reading
    Living in the World's Most Adventurous Countries
    Section C In-depth Reading
    Graduation Trips
    Tourism in Southwestern China Is Getting Better
  Part Ⅲ Extended Activities
    Section A Translation
    Section B Writing
Unit 7  Dream and Success
  Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities
    Section A Quotes Appreciation
    Dream and Success
    Section B Group Discussion
  Part Ⅱ Reading Activities
    Section A Banked Cloze
    Chinese Driver Zhou Guanyu Promoted as Renault Test Driver
    Section B Speed Reading

    Barbara Jordan:A Powerful Voice for Justice and Social Change
    Section C In-depth Reading
    The Story of Ma Huijuan
  Part Ⅲ Extended Activities
    Section A Translation
    Section B Writing
Unit 8  Festivals and Special Days
  Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities
    Section A Quotes Appreclation
    Section B Class Presentation
    Festivals and Special Days
  Part Ⅱ Reading Activities
    Section A Banked Cloze
    The Water-splashing Festival
    Section B Speed Reading
    At the Center of a Revolutionary Past
    Section C In-depth Reading
    The Lanterni Festiva
    The Origin of the Cold Food Day
  Part Ⅲ Fxtended Artivitiee
    Section A Translation
    Section B Writing

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